Tuition. was. annoying. ?.
Know what, Jamie is so ANNOYING. She tries to act smart all the time (she IS smart) By acting smart i mean, err-- i'll tell what happened; Teacher was teaching us circles and she was like flip it and bring it over then times then arc this and that and i COULDNT CONCENTRATE, she was right behind me and she was screaming. Teacher scolded me because i couldn't concentrate, grr.
Soo, i was doing my work, Marianne and Nicole laugh laugh laugh and annoy me so i got angried then marianne poked me? HAHAHA, I LOVE GABRIELS PHONE. 'WE' (i got accused okay) spoiled it :) Some code thing, we tried to unlock it and POOOOOOF. It's not PUK so HAHAHAHA. He doesn't mind. He said 'accidents happen you know', yeah we know gabriel we know :D
Nuffiee (:
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Heroes Have The Right To Dream
Ms Angela's classes are THE BEST. Her taste in music is beautiful. Her thought of textbooks are beautiful too, the most beautiful thought a student could ever understand :) Her rules are loosening. I'm gonna pass her! My mum might know her lecturer and so do i (Ohgoshh) I want to add her on MSN, lol (i know her email add, the whole class knows)
I washed the car porch, i am rajin (unlike PHANG ROZE NN. I had to do her project for her okay!) I scrubed the floor. And it was fun! I finished my Geo project, like finally. Now, SIVIK project! Anybody wanna do it for me? Wanna offer me help? Roze Nn? Poh Wei? Yin Ling? Marianne? Asyraff? ANYBODY? I'm going to ipoh this weekend, YES! Food paradise. Weather disaster. Besides eat? sleep, breath, watch tv, play ps, dot dot dot etc.
UPDATED. Be happy i don't update once a month okay.
I washed the car porch, i am rajin (unlike PHANG ROZE NN. I had to do her project for her okay!) I scrubed the floor. And it was fun! I finished my Geo project, like finally. Now, SIVIK project! Anybody wanna do it for me? Wanna offer me help? Roze Nn? Poh Wei? Yin Ling? Marianne? Asyraff? ANYBODY? I'm going to ipoh this weekend, YES! Food paradise. Weather disaster. Besides eat? sleep, breath, watch tv, play ps, dot dot dot etc.
UPDATED. Be happy i don't update once a month okay.
Monday, July 28, 2008
Create Butterflies In My Soup
My title is totally random lah? I got shot today. My body shot me, now i'm bleeding. That sentence ada maksud TERSIRAT ;) My brother went to school today, with soon teck. If you saw 3 boys during the first period, my brother's hair is golden and the green hair guy is soon teck(soon teck's a hairstylist)
Jian Yin sou my heng -.- Hong Wei sou my heng, WTF.
Jian Yin sou my heng -.- Hong Wei sou my heng, WTF.
Sunday, July 27, 2008
BEATRICE CHOO IS BACK, for 5 seconds :) Ng Jian Yin, STOP MISCALLING ME. I no credit already dude. You're eating them up. And your number 014 lah. My credit drop like nobody's business edi! I've got loadsa homework to do and i'm addicted to my ps. Harvest moon (SLAP ME ANYBODY) It's so addictive i keep telling myself 30 minutes till doing your work then i drag, until tomorrow. WANNA BET? I was rajin for ONE DAY. And poof. Maybe it got back to Yin Ling?
The best song in olympic history;
The best song in olympic history;
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Monday, July 21, 2008
Girl In Pyjamas
My title, inspired by Bananas in pyjamas (giggles :D) I like spongebob too, the way he laughs. He's a cartoon legend man. Beatrice also likes fairly odd parents, haha (don't blame me, i'm still a child) Beatrice like's to watch Disney Channel and Nickelodeon. Don't worry, i like HBO too :) Owh owh, i like CSI. It's still the best :) I really want to watch CHUCK. haha, cute guy cute guy (edward cullens still cuter ;D) I shouldn't really be talking about all these stuff, i have loadsa P-R-O-J-E-C-T-S to do.
JSYK, i just dug rubbish, inside out from side to side. Every rubbish bin, all filthy with bacteria. Just for my science slide. From outside, the biggest rubbish till inside, every corner. My stupid fcking mother threw it away, i asked her not to throw it. She threw it, and she blamed ME. i said i had to put it there for dust stuff and she said STILL NEVER LEARN YOUR LESSON AH.
Wtf man, i hate my mom weyh -.- Moms never admit their mistakes eventhough they know they're wrong. I shall rant on moms some other time. Currently freaking pissed off *GRRRR >:(*
Back to projects! I have Geo project. Like wth man, another NINE more days. NINE. NINE. Dear Pn Baljit or MOE, we ain't super ya know, we're just humans, students. Who have HOMEWORK to do. CHORES to do, you seriously think we so free do all these crap ah? If we don't do homework, kena. If we dont do project, kena. Furthermore, we have TUITIONS. We have to STUDY for exams.
What do you want from us?! We're trying to be smarter, to memajukan Malaysia and you're not helping, AT ALL. Make up your mind, do homework, do projects, or become smarter by going tuition and studying WITHOUT HOMEWORK. We can only do it one at a time. Try to understand our situation. Try to put yourselves in our position for a while. We don't have 10 hands. We only have 2 and they're fully booked for ONE THING AT A TIME.
And you want to change our uniforms. Don't you think we're pissed enough? Don't you think we hate you enough? What kind of statement is your baju kurung invites rape? We're civilised people, except some no life people who rape and rob. Robbers cannot be blamed, the government never helps the citizens. If WHITE invites rape, band white from Malaysia. Why can't we wear shorts? because of malays? respect their religion? Here's an idea, why not RESPECT OURS. Oh well then, BAND MALAY MODELS.
If islam religion won't allow clothes that show. Please keep that rule to yourselves. Other religions are allowed. Why make us follow islamic rules? Why not ask ALL RELIGIONS to wear TUDUNG? Here's to cut it short ; RESPECT OTHER RELIGIONS AND STOP BEING COCKY YOU IDIOTIC GOVERNMENT. LET ANWAR IBRAHIM GO (totally outta the topic?) DO NOT GIVE US (students) UNIMPORTANT THINGS TO DO. WE ARE HUMAN. HUMAAAANNNN *screaming at YOU, stupid government*
JSYK, i just dug rubbish, inside out from side to side. Every rubbish bin, all filthy with bacteria. Just for my science slide. From outside, the biggest rubbish till inside, every corner. My stupid fcking mother threw it away, i asked her not to throw it. She threw it, and she blamed ME. i said i had to put it there for dust stuff and she said STILL NEVER LEARN YOUR LESSON AH.
Wtf man, i hate my mom weyh -.- Moms never admit their mistakes eventhough they know they're wrong. I shall rant on moms some other time. Currently freaking pissed off *GRRRR >:(*
Back to projects! I have Geo project. Like wth man, another NINE more days. NINE. NINE. Dear Pn Baljit or MOE, we ain't super ya know, we're just humans, students. Who have HOMEWORK to do. CHORES to do, you seriously think we so free do all these crap ah? If we don't do homework, kena. If we dont do project, kena. Furthermore, we have TUITIONS. We have to STUDY for exams.
What do you want from us?! We're trying to be smarter, to memajukan Malaysia and you're not helping, AT ALL. Make up your mind, do homework, do projects, or become smarter by going tuition and studying WITHOUT HOMEWORK. We can only do it one at a time. Try to understand our situation. Try to put yourselves in our position for a while. We don't have 10 hands. We only have 2 and they're fully booked for ONE THING AT A TIME.
And you want to change our uniforms. Don't you think we're pissed enough? Don't you think we hate you enough? What kind of statement is your baju kurung invites rape? We're civilised people, except some no life people who rape and rob. Robbers cannot be blamed, the government never helps the citizens. If WHITE invites rape, band white from Malaysia. Why can't we wear shorts? because of malays? respect their religion? Here's an idea, why not RESPECT OURS. Oh well then, BAND MALAY MODELS.
If islam religion won't allow clothes that show. Please keep that rule to yourselves. Other religions are allowed. Why make us follow islamic rules? Why not ask ALL RELIGIONS to wear TUDUNG? Here's to cut it short ; RESPECT OTHER RELIGIONS AND STOP BEING COCKY YOU IDIOTIC GOVERNMENT. LET ANWAR IBRAHIM GO (totally outta the topic?) DO NOT GIVE US (students) UNIMPORTANT THINGS TO DO. WE ARE HUMAN. HUMAAAANNNN *screaming at YOU, stupid government*
Honesty Is The Best Policy?
My title goes to Asyraff :) Remember Asyraff, you owe me 10000 DOLLARS okay? not RINGGIT okay? And i'll need 5 packets A DAY from your shop, thank you :) Owh, before i forget, i'll also need 5% of your monthly income because ... you're renting my shop :D
I forgot to give marianne her string thinggy :S I'm done with DW love KS. I'm done with JOYEE :) I'm not done with my sivik homework, i wonder why pn santhi gives so much homeowork at a time? Stupid lahh. Oh, i'm done with my doughnut from Poh Wei! It rocks. rocks. rocks. rocks. That was my first present (hahah! i don't get much presents okay? Just wishes T.T) Second is 50Cents from Ren Chii! And i was planning to give it back to him on Wed for his birthday. HAHA, in your face Ren Chii (this line, credits to miss angela's taxi tragedy)
And since CPW is bugging me, the string thinggy, partially, credits to HER. Happy PP? Happy? Happy? Happy? Hoi Sam Mo? Ni Kai Sing Ma? Wo pu kai sing yau fang ni de ming je zhai ze ni, ni je dau mah?! Wakakaka, Beatrice is a banana okay, don't ask how i got that sentence :D
I'm trying to memanjangkan my posts. No pictures edi (too bad lah, all posted edi) I'm not so cheap go take pictures from photobucket okay (hehe, i use to :D) I want ORIGINAL BEATRICE CHOO PICTURES. I want photoshop! My brother has it in his com, pro shit. He has all these editing stuff ... SOBSOB ...
Only Beatrice Choo voted for POH WEI as person who'll stand up for me :D So whole day, she sob sob sob sob. I that day sob sob sob sob and Ling was also sob sob sob sob. Now, Kar Mun kena tipu also SOB SOB SOB SOB. Poh Wei paling teruk. I had to use WANFA to get her to smile back -.- 30Cents man. Chekyl bought a whole big packet for two something, i can only buy 7 packets with it. And that'll finish in a jiffy :(
I learned how to talk jibberish. And the 'F' language. It was freaking difficult. Deborah's name is easy. BeafeTrifis. WTF. WTF. WTF. Lagalogoligilugu? WTF. WTF. WTF. This post, long enough for you? :)! :)! :)! :)! Tambahan lagi, Beatrice wants to watch LOVE GURU. such a cute show, mike myers. Haha. Beatrice wants to watch TWILIGHT the movie. Beatrice hasn't even read breaking dawn yet, not even eclipse. Outdatednyaaa. No money lah kay. Okay, TWILIGHT *drooool for edward cullen the hotty i want for my future husband!* >>smile giggles grin nyahaha love love <3
I forgot to give marianne her string thinggy :S I'm done with DW love KS. I'm done with JOYEE :) I'm not done with my sivik homework, i wonder why pn santhi gives so much homeowork at a time? Stupid lahh. Oh, i'm done with my doughnut from Poh Wei! It rocks. rocks. rocks. rocks. That was my first present (hahah! i don't get much presents okay? Just wishes T.T) Second is 50Cents from Ren Chii! And i was planning to give it back to him on Wed for his birthday. HAHA, in your face Ren Chii (this line, credits to miss angela's taxi tragedy)
And since CPW is bugging me, the string thinggy, partially, credits to HER. Happy PP? Happy? Happy? Happy? Hoi Sam Mo? Ni Kai Sing Ma? Wo pu kai sing yau fang ni de ming je zhai ze ni, ni je dau mah?! Wakakaka, Beatrice is a banana okay, don't ask how i got that sentence :D
I'm trying to memanjangkan my posts. No pictures edi (too bad lah, all posted edi) I'm not so cheap go take pictures from photobucket okay (hehe, i use to :D) I want ORIGINAL BEATRICE CHOO PICTURES. I want photoshop! My brother has it in his com, pro shit. He has all these editing stuff ... SOBSOB ...
Only Beatrice Choo voted for POH WEI as person who'll stand up for me :D So whole day, she sob sob sob sob. I that day sob sob sob sob and Ling was also sob sob sob sob. Now, Kar Mun kena tipu also SOB SOB SOB SOB. Poh Wei paling teruk. I had to use WANFA to get her to smile back -.- 30Cents man. Chekyl bought a whole big packet for two something, i can only buy 7 packets with it. And that'll finish in a jiffy :(
I learned how to talk jibberish. And the 'F' language. It was freaking difficult. Deborah's name is easy. BeafeTrifis. WTF. WTF. WTF. Lagalogoligilugu? WTF. WTF. WTF. This post, long enough for you? :)! :)! :)! :)! Tambahan lagi, Beatrice wants to watch LOVE GURU. such a cute show, mike myers. Haha. Beatrice wants to watch TWILIGHT the movie. Beatrice hasn't even read breaking dawn yet, not even eclipse. Outdatednyaaa. No money lah kay. Okay, TWILIGHT *drooool for edward cullen the hotty i want for my future husband!* >>smile giggles grin nyahaha love love <3
Moderate But Exciting
Today was the best birthday ever :) Poh Wei was the NICEST, she bought me a beautiful doughnut with a strawberry on top, ILY ;) I got splashed today, Kar Mun started the whole thing. And then marianne and nicole started o_o Roze Nn missed! (hehehe you didn't get me!) Many humans wished me today (awww, touched?)
I punk'd Kar Mun :D There was this komsas thing Jong Wey asked me to join, so Me, Ling and PP said okay (3 people per class) We decided to ditch Kar Mun :P So we laugh and laugh and laugh, then Roze Nn terspill about Jong Wey asking us >:|
Kar Mun / Beatrice
Lei Hou Yeh (you very good?)
SORRY LAH! Jong Wey just went to give the name edi (inside my mind, WAKAKAKA)
You put my name?! I duwan give you birthday present
Don't give lah, you'll regret i tell you.
I NOT GIVING. *angrily went to look for Jong Wey*
... *KM spoke to JW*
*Came back and just shut uped*
I told you you'll regret! See, don't blame people without finding BUKTI.
*Speechless* (must be zha dou :D)
You lie me :( sob sob sob (tiru-ing Poh Wei, don't ask about Poh Wei's case -.-)
Hehe, no lah, its YOU LIED TO ME. You lie me is my science teachers perfect English.
TADA. Go Beatrice and her cool jokes!
I punk'd Kar Mun :D There was this komsas thing Jong Wey asked me to join, so Me, Ling and PP said okay (3 people per class) We decided to ditch Kar Mun :P So we laugh and laugh and laugh, then Roze Nn terspill about Jong Wey asking us >:|
Kar Mun / Beatrice
Lei Hou Yeh (you very good?)
SORRY LAH! Jong Wey just went to give the name edi (inside my mind, WAKAKAKA)
You put my name?! I duwan give you birthday present
Don't give lah, you'll regret i tell you.
I NOT GIVING. *angrily went to look for Jong Wey*
... *KM spoke to JW*
*Came back and just shut uped*
I told you you'll regret! See, don't blame people without finding BUKTI.
*Speechless* (must be zha dou :D)
You lie me :( sob sob sob (tiru-ing Poh Wei, don't ask about Poh Wei's case -.-)
Hehe, no lah, its YOU LIED TO ME. You lie me is my science teachers perfect English.
TADA. Go Beatrice and her cool jokes!
Happy Birthday Beatrice Choo Pei San!
You're officially 14!
You're officially 14!
Shall we thank countdown people (with RANKING).
Number 1, the first one, the one i LOVE SO MUCH, Mr Pang Siew Ho :D
Number 2 the scary 'hehehe' one, Ms Phang Roze Nn :D
Number 3, the gay nice guy Mr Leon Tan :D
Fourth, my bla bla telling Gucky, Ms Goh Jo Yee :D
Fifth, my lala girlfriend, Ms Deborah Chan :D
Last but not least, ms blur case (that's why she's last), Ms Cheah Kar Mun :D
Wait, one more who just sms-ed me, my Super Friend, Ms Victoria Boon :D
(Kar Mun, be happy you're not last. haha)
Beatrice's the happiest girl alive.
It isn't a disaster because of the people up there
It isn't a disaster because of the people up there
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Just Wanted You To Know,
Beatrice Choo is doing business :D Some string thinggy. With your name. For example;
Sorry, the victoria's suppose to be PURPLE -- idk what's wrong with my camera.
Smiley face doesn't need an example, it's exactly like :] or if you want, it could be =]
Your choice of colour. But i suggest your background to be black. Any name, not more than 8 letters please. And if your name has a 'Q' in it, i'm sorry, idk how to do the letter 'Q' yet (hehe :D)
I can do all sortsa letters except Q. And numbers aren't quite figured out yet also. Sorry for the shortcomings. And this handicraft might have shortcomings, so if you're REALLY not satisfied with my work, please come back to see me.
If you're interested you can email me at
& i will show you limited colours because some colours might be booked and i can't buy them everyday (so you will have to wait a few days or a week or so) but customers have to know me personally :D
(one email perhandicraft. If more thasoon as possible) Your email n 5, email me your name and email address, i will get back to you as must include;
Your Name:
Your School:
Your email address (IMPORTANT so that i can inform you if anything goes wrong or i need more information) :
Your GENDER (Gahh, not necessary :P) :
Your colour: (light blue, lighter than light blue but not white, white, red, peach, pink, yellow, orange and pinkish red is available. Background's black- first come first served basis)
The name you want me to do (less than 8 letters, including spaces!) :
Your pattern:
a. flower(s)
b. heart
c. <3
d. :]
e. =]
f. music
Do you want your pattern on both sides or only one (please put a,b or c) :
a.( *pattern* Name *pattern*)
b.(*pattern* Name)
c. (Name *pattern*)
Warning: If your name is too long and your pattern cant fit both sides i will do 'b' for you.
DELIVERY (as in fedex or wtv that has to do with post office stuff) (i can send it to you to your class- tmn sea people) (i can meet up with you and pass it to you- friends only) IS NOT INCLUDED AS IM NOT SO 'MAJU' IN IT YET.
I already started with Marianne, so shall you melanggani me!
Your choice ; flower -like the one before beatrice & victoria. heart -like the one before judy wong, <3 , no examples :D
Music note ...
Your choice ; flower -like the one before beatrice & victoria. heart -like the one before judy wong, <3 , no examples :D
Music note ...

Your choice of colour. But i suggest your background to be black. Any name, not more than 8 letters please. And if your name has a 'Q' in it, i'm sorry, idk how to do the letter 'Q' yet (hehe :D)
I can do all sortsa letters except Q. And numbers aren't quite figured out yet also. Sorry for the shortcomings. And this handicraft might have shortcomings, so if you're REALLY not satisfied with my work, please come back to see me.
One for RM2
RM2 for the whole thing. Your whole name and pattern, not one alphabet one buck or so okay. But if you buy more, there MIGHT be a discount. And by more i don't mean 2 or 3. I mean like 10? :DIf you're interested you can email me at
& i will show you limited colours because some colours might be booked and i can't buy them everyday (so you will have to wait a few days or a week or so) but customers have to know me personally :D
(one email perhandicraft. If more thasoon as possible) Your email n 5, email me your name and email address, i will get back to you as must include;
Your Name:
Your School:
Your email address (IMPORTANT so that i can inform you if anything goes wrong or i need more information) :
Your GENDER (Gahh, not necessary :P) :
Your colour: (light blue, lighter than light blue but not white, white, red, peach, pink, yellow, orange and pinkish red is available. Background's black- first come first served basis)
The name you want me to do (less than 8 letters, including spaces!) :
Your pattern:
a. flower(s)
b. heart
c. <3
d. :]
e. =]
f. music
Do you want your pattern on both sides or only one (please put a,b or c) :
a.( *pattern* Name *pattern*)
b.(*pattern* Name)
c. (Name *pattern*)
Warning: If your name is too long and your pattern cant fit both sides i will do 'b' for you.
DELIVERY (as in fedex or wtv that has to do with post office stuff) (i can send it to you to your class- tmn sea people) (i can meet up with you and pass it to you- friends only) IS NOT INCLUDED AS IM NOT SO 'MAJU' IN IT YET.
Saturday, July 19, 2008
It Was All I Ever Needed
I'm sorry. You know who you are. Okay, enough of the emo-ness. Victoria's not picking up her handphone! Pick up vicky! PICK UP :D Updated, tadaa!
Lisa Lavie (:
Lisa Lavie (:
I Didn't Say It

Jo Yee! aielwai (ily, don't strain your brain) My eye makes me look like a panda. Panda's are cute. I love panda's :D Talking about animals, i hate cats, they're like so eee. And their tail is so annoying, when they molest your leg and go round and round your leg *goosebumps* (i'm so random? o_o)
Diva Comes With It
Ohemgee. ILY darling. Sometimes, i feel like you're the only one i can talk to, the only one i could tell everything to. Especially when icmtsan. You're the first one i thought about when i needed someone there for me. And i'm sorry for disturbing you at 3 in the morning :) But you helped. That few smses was like the most touching thing i've ever read (aww :D)
TWO MORE DAYS till the 21st of July, and it's time for another-year-nearer-to-death (my birthday, for people whose brains aren't working :D) I'm like going out with so many people in so many days (idk if i can even go out so many times :X) I might be going out with Vic and Ica tomorrow, i want to follow ica to youth :D And next week or blah, i might be going to ipoh for idk what (my mommy lah, hmph) And next next week (i love puan mary), Outing with the BBPPKKELI people. Hello fellow Homosapiens, i've got projects and homework which you won't want to know the exact amount i have to do.
TWO MORE DAYS till the 21st of July, and it's time for another-year-nearer-to-death (my birthday, for people whose brains aren't working :D) I'm like going out with so many people in so many days (idk if i can even go out so many times :X) I might be going out with Vic and Ica tomorrow, i want to follow ica to youth :D And next week or blah, i might be going to ipoh for idk what (my mommy lah, hmph) And next next week (i love puan mary), Outing with the BBPPKKELI people. Hello fellow Homosapiens, i've got projects and homework which you won't want to know the exact amount i have to do.
Friday, July 18, 2008
As Time Flies, I Fly
Happy birthday Uncle Leslie! You are the hottest dad i've ever seen. Don't compare with my dad, you don't want to see his prosperity. Be my daddy uncle leslie, hey! it rhymes (wahaha, i'm a talented poet, not) Oh, Marianne, i'm done with your 'thang' :D Your green little hearty 'thang'. Be thankful it's 1.50 okay? haha :D
Anyho, I SHOULDN'T HAVE, I SHOULDN'T HAVE. Regrets, REGRETS. What's so difficult? Is it THAT hard to understand? If it wasn't because of me, you wouldn't even ...(dot dot dot dot not to be told dot dot dot dot) ... After all. You just DON'T understand :( It really kills you know, you not being able to understand me after all these times. Can't you just look through? This wasn't just for YOU. It's for YOU too (arggh, i have to i have to i have to or else i'll lose you. *haha, another rhyme :D*)
Anyho, I SHOULDN'T HAVE, I SHOULDN'T HAVE. Regrets, REGRETS. What's so difficult? Is it THAT hard to understand? If it wasn't because of me, you wouldn't even ...(dot dot dot dot not to be told dot dot dot dot) ... After all. You just DON'T understand :( It really kills you know, you not being able to understand me after all these times. Can't you just look through? This wasn't just for YOU. It's for YOU too (arggh, i have to i have to i have to or else i'll lose you. *haha, another rhyme :D*)
Shall We Get A Divorce?
KARMUN, wo ken ni LI HUEN! :D i got divorced with kar mun, and tried to 'kau' cheah poh wei. HAHA, cool right. Yin Ling equals pihak ketiga x)
Today, i was damn freaking emo. Only Kar Mun knows why. Yin Ling was emo too (due to ****** ****). IGLOT! (something sad, don't ask) Kar Mun only know how to eat and eat and eat and eat. Poh Wei only know how to ask how to do how to do how to do. It was a very quiet day.
Miss Angela is cute, i just figured that out. SHE is the only one i can talk to. I just realised how important she is when i REALLY need someone to talk to. Not YOU or YOU (got that YOU's??)
ILY and i always will <3
Today, i was damn freaking emo. Only Kar Mun knows why. Yin Ling was emo too (due to ****** ****). IGLOT! (something sad, don't ask) Kar Mun only know how to eat and eat and eat and eat. Poh Wei only know how to ask how to do how to do how to do. It was a very quiet day.
Miss Angela is cute, i just figured that out. SHE is the only one i can talk to. I just realised how important she is when i REALLY need someone to talk to. Not YOU or YOU (got that YOU's??)
ILY and i always will <3
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Getting It Here
Ng Jian Pin, you're too tall and you make me scared when you stand too near (jsyk, if you even read my blog man -.-) TIKUS TIKUS TIKUS (wahahaha, Elipinny :D) Ng Jian Pin has alot of friends (they're all tall, haha) Jian Pin offered us fishballs (Do you think we accepted his offer? I wanna make a survey, lol) So today, i was simply hardworking. I finished SOME of my homework, which was a big leap.
Maths Maths Maths. Circles Circles Circles. Loci Loci Loci. Like what the heck man, confusing shit they want us to learn. Sejarah is stupid because Cik Nurhani is stupid :D Geography rocks because Pn Baljit rocks :D I hate Pjk because my pjk teacher sucks :D I hate Science because my science teacher is boring :D I hate Bm because Pn Rozaini scolds me for no reason. I hate Moral because Pn Yeo Jing Boon is the assiest teacher of earth :D -- there goes my rant on subjects slash teachers :D (im obsessed with :D, so :D :D :D tada!)
I hate Kar Mun, because of her, i owe a million people a million cloud9's (like what the heck, shit man)
Maths Maths Maths. Circles Circles Circles. Loci Loci Loci. Like what the heck man, confusing shit they want us to learn. Sejarah is stupid because Cik Nurhani is stupid :D Geography rocks because Pn Baljit rocks :D I hate Pjk because my pjk teacher sucks :D I hate Science because my science teacher is boring :D I hate Bm because Pn Rozaini scolds me for no reason. I hate Moral because Pn Yeo Jing Boon is the assiest teacher of earth :D -- there goes my rant on subjects slash teachers :D (im obsessed with :D, so :D :D :D tada!)
I hate Kar Mun, because of her, i owe a million people a million cloud9's (like what the heck, shit man)
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Until Dawn
I'm watching some debate about petrol price. So fun. Paling teruk, my stupid control sudah rosak, so i have to do it manually (gahh, dumbhole) Today was kind of the freakiest day? I was singing this thing, and poh wei asked me to stop and like 2 minutes later, she started singing it :D I gave Kiki And Elipinny their presents today (i scribbled their boxes like maaaad :D) Stupid fatty-boy-si-lai-sat-sou didn't come today. GOOD.
Projects projects projects bla bla bla.
Ni shuo puo de tian hua ta pu tong, oprah style (wahahaha xD) Kiki doesn't know what cincau looks like (like what the heck? o_o) What about carrots poh wei? :P
Projects projects projects bla bla bla.
- Geography - langsung not enough time to do, i'll have to skip training again :D
- Sivik - Pertubuhan sukarela? (i mean like what the heck right?) But MORE THAN enough time to do, YAY!
- Science - group project. I know it's about air pollution but idk what to do, AT ALL
- Seni - I don't think this is a project anyway, we have to sculpture soap. I'm asking my brother to do :D he's in college, learning graphic designing which includes sculpturing class, yeep.
Ni shuo puo de tian hua ta pu tong, oprah style (wahahaha xD) Kiki doesn't know what cincau looks like (like what the heck? o_o) What about carrots poh wei? :P
Monday, July 14, 2008
Close The Door
Go to poh wei's blog and read about Kee Huey :D POH WEI! Oh wait, her blog's private :P I've always been dreaming of building marble stairs in my future house. Marble everything. Marble FAN and TV and HANDPHONE! :D No wait, GOLD handphone, yeah. That'll be so darn cool.
BITCH, BITCH, BITCH, BITCH, BITCH. Stupid kee huey. Stupid kee huey. Gahh. MFCLA (for poh wei, kar mun and yin ling to understand :D)
BITCH, BITCH, BITCH, BITCH, BITCH. Stupid kee huey. Stupid kee huey. Gahh. MFCLA (for poh wei, kar mun and yin ling to understand :D)
Sunday, July 13, 2008
A Progress To Work
Me and Poh Wei want to take a picture :D for the sake of MTVAA! I want to win two tickets, me and Poh Wei :D I wanted to do a video, but i'll definitely become a stoner. Just take a picture then, stoner or no stoner it will look the same. I want us to be blonds (hahaha xD)
OHMYGEE, Beijing Olympics 2008. Gahh, buy me plane tickets to Beijing anybody?
Oh Swimming! Swimming! SWIMMING!
Butterfly ; my dream, to perfect.
OHMYGEE, Beijing Olympics 2008. Gahh, buy me plane tickets to Beijing anybody?
(cute thinggy right? It's a little blur though)
Oh Swimming! Swimming! SWIMMING!
Butterfly ; my dream, to perfect.
I Will Take Away Your Breath
It is 12.35 in the afternoon and i just woke up (woohoo :D) Mommy and daddy is not home, only my still sleeping brother. I stole his modem, buahahaha. I'm going to carrefour with Elipinny around 3, for my KH ingredients.
This is just some stupid update i felt like doing because i am so lifeless that i have nothing to do.
This is just some stupid update i felt like doing because i am so lifeless that i have nothing to do.
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Read It Loud & Clear So That I Can Hear
Here's an update for you to see :D i've got a milliongazillionninethousandninehunderedninetytwoandone pictures but, NEHH :D it's all camwhore :D. Like this first one;

Hello, Jen Wei's spectacles :D
SMILE, for me.
I memang too free okay.
Camera shy, tsk tsk.
My dad is a childish freak.
Who darker? (Beatrice wears the orange shorts)
I Will Always
It's midnight, and i'm bored, so i shall post about today's adventure in the hot blazing sun which provides us vitamin D but may kill us due to global warming :D Today's adventure in our neighbourhood of stupid-people-who-won't-cooperate-with-innocent-students-like-us. I only have pictures of us taking pictures together. Which reminds me, there was this guy, he saw us and he waved his hand and slammed the sliding door at us (bitch? :D)
We felt like going to mcdonald, so we went to poh yee's house and she decided to follow. We went in her house first, and started messing around with her hamster which i think might die anytime because of us. We fed it and it kept falling off the house. It might be retarded now (sorry poh yee) I took her turtle out, and poh yee kept bugging us.
We went to this house, which i think students rent them. All guys, all of them are freaking handsome and they're so nice. There were like 6 to 7 of them (psst, we went in, well the porch :D!) Walked a few blocks and then, to MCD :D

NG JIAN PIN ffk us. Stupid guy, ahh whatever. We walked back. Me and Yin Ling took pictures in her house (words for pictures below it)
Peace to the lala unity :D
Accidents become miracles.

I <3 style="margin: 0px auto 10px; display: block; text-align: center; cursor: pointer;" src="" alt="" id="BLOGGER_PHOTO_ID_5222150832819602002" border="0">

Came back, slept all the way, until now. So now, i shall go post pictures in a new post :D
We felt like going to mcdonald, so we went to poh yee's house and she decided to follow. We went in her house first, and started messing around with her hamster which i think might die anytime because of us. We fed it and it kept falling off the house. It might be retarded now (sorry poh yee) I took her turtle out, and poh yee kept bugging us.
We went to this house, which i think students rent them. All guys, all of them are freaking handsome and they're so nice. There were like 6 to 7 of them (psst, we went in, well the porch :D!) Walked a few blocks and then, to MCD :D
I didn't like my picture with yin ling so, feel special kiki :D
NG JIAN PIN ffk us. Stupid guy, ahh whatever. We walked back. Me and Yin Ling took pictures in her house (words for pictures below it)
I <3 style="margin: 0px auto 10px; display: block; text-align: center; cursor: pointer;" src="" alt="" id="BLOGGER_PHOTO_ID_5222150832819602002" border="0">
Came back, slept all the way, until now. So now, i shall go post pictures in a new post :D
Friday, July 11, 2008
Right Beside Me
My chatbox is dead :( Nobody visits my blog, anymore (i suppose it's because they dont know my link? :P) Miss Angela Teo is such a bitch, her jokes are so lame. And she scolds me for NOTHING. She says no announcements in her class. pfft, stupid rule. My mommy went for dinner with her friends. I'm using the computer without her approval.
I ate vegetarian just now, suprisingly, it was kind of nice (i'm a meat person :D) I thought their 'kambing' was really kambing. But it was just some kind of vegetable (some kinda GIMIC!) I'm collecting my spectacles on Sunday, yeep. I've got tons of homework, no yeep. I've got millions of books to copy :D not to mention, the amount projects i have :/ Annoying MOE. Annoying projects. I'm going house by house tomorrow, for my geography-migrasi-dalaman-thinggy borang soal selidik :)
Geography project is due in 2 weeks, and we got it like 2 days ago? We have to draw graphs and maps by HAND. So annoying, disturbia :D We can type the project but i think i'm gonna go with writing it (even if it takes a million years) Science project, air pollution (gahhh, i polute the air, i don't prevent it :P) Sivik project, pertubuhan sukarela (which i'll never be interested in anyway).
Anyho, I WANT TO GO TO and !
I hate the patricks. hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate (i know im not suppose to 'hate' but, im in desperate needs for them to DIE! :D?) hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate. Stupid people, when they talk about someone, they look and point at that person. DUMB right? just pure stupidity. You're just showing that person you're talking about him or her (or them?)
Gahh, stupid people with dumb faces. At least ms patrick starfish has patience, but ms patrick dog and cat? Nehh. Especially patrick cat. She is such a wannabe popular people bodek-er. You and loky damn no life dude, you guys copy everything they do, or maybe, everything WE do.
I ate vegetarian just now, suprisingly, it was kind of nice (i'm a meat person :D) I thought their 'kambing' was really kambing. But it was just some kind of vegetable (some kinda GIMIC!) I'm collecting my spectacles on Sunday, yeep. I've got tons of homework, no yeep. I've got millions of books to copy :D not to mention, the amount projects i have :/ Annoying MOE. Annoying projects. I'm going house by house tomorrow, for my geography-migrasi-dalaman-thinggy borang soal selidik :)
Geography project is due in 2 weeks, and we got it like 2 days ago? We have to draw graphs and maps by HAND. So annoying, disturbia :D We can type the project but i think i'm gonna go with writing it (even if it takes a million years) Science project, air pollution (gahhh, i polute the air, i don't prevent it :P) Sivik project, pertubuhan sukarela (which i'll never be interested in anyway).
Anyho, I WANT TO GO TO and !
I hate the patricks. hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate (i know im not suppose to 'hate' but, im in desperate needs for them to DIE! :D?) hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate. Stupid people, when they talk about someone, they look and point at that person. DUMB right? just pure stupidity. You're just showing that person you're talking about him or her (or them?)
Gahh, stupid people with dumb faces. At least ms patrick starfish has patience, but ms patrick dog and cat? Nehh. Especially patrick cat. She is such a wannabe popular people bodek-er. You and loky damn no life dude, you guys copy everything they do, or maybe, everything WE do.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Carry On
Beatrice got her spectacles. YAY! :) but it's really not similar to my old one, the one that i've worn for 1 year. I developed love with it (gahaha :P) Mine's half frame, BLACK. All my mommy's fault. I wanted this kippling one, and she said she likes the black one. And you know how moms get when they like something you don't. I wanted contacts, but the guy there said i'm still to young. (Crap lah)
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Everything You Thought You Had
Good morning fellow readers from Malaysia (or maybe not) who did not link me :) I went for science tuition this morning and i was totally blind. I used Jen Wei's spectacles, they're blue, i love blue (don't you? :P) Her power is lower than mine, no wonder they were slightly blur. My pencil box's zip broke :(
Anyho, Jian Pin called 'her' and i picked up the phone. I said 'the number you have dialed is not available, please try again later. Thank you. Please leave a message after the beep *beeep*' And i put the phone down, haha. I'm bringing cook books to school today, for KH. I've got tons (my mother is a compulsive cook book collector, but she never cooks the food in them) of cook books. From magazines and some was bought for a very reasonable price (they were on discount :D) So, im sitting here, staring at my computer screen while im typing without my spectacles, and poh wei's talking to me. I'm doing this because i feel bored and a little random :) Lalalala.
By the way, i just read Di Wern's blog. And she's so darn right about KHYE YIN(red shows anger :D) Come closer, let me tell you stories about that bitch. First of all, she think's she's sooo rich, she acts rich, which is NOT true. I know that because my mother knows her parents. Her father's a hawker or a butcher, either one. Not to say that i'm so darn rich or what, i'm average. But she's poorer than me. Am i perasan? sorry, but that's the fact. Next, we were so kind to ask her wether she wanted to sit at the back with us and she said 'no, i like to sit in front', now she, being a wannabe, is sitting at the backest row. Sheesh.
She think's Kar Mun loves her so much (you know, Kar Mun is a very nosy person :P) She sits with Yin Ling, Di Wern, Jo Yee and the others during recess, when they HATE her. Since when she waits at the anjung muafakat before school? She waits at the lorong by the boys toilet. I guess cause she has NO friends and NOBODY likes her there or something. And she's wearing this bracelet thinggy, just cause everyone's wearing it, she thinks she's so cool cause she wears that. Correction, you're not cool, you were not cool, you will never be cool. YOU UNDERSTAND?
Anyho, Jian Pin called 'her' and i picked up the phone. I said 'the number you have dialed is not available, please try again later. Thank you. Please leave a message after the beep *beeep*' And i put the phone down, haha. I'm bringing cook books to school today, for KH. I've got tons (my mother is a compulsive cook book collector, but she never cooks the food in them) of cook books. From magazines and some was bought for a very reasonable price (they were on discount :D) So, im sitting here, staring at my computer screen while im typing without my spectacles, and poh wei's talking to me. I'm doing this because i feel bored and a little random :) Lalalala.
By the way, i just read Di Wern's blog. And she's so darn right about KHYE YIN(red shows anger :D) Come closer, let me tell you stories about that bitch. First of all, she think's she's sooo rich, she acts rich, which is NOT true. I know that because my mother knows her parents. Her father's a hawker or a butcher, either one. Not to say that i'm so darn rich or what, i'm average. But she's poorer than me. Am i perasan? sorry, but that's the fact. Next, we were so kind to ask her wether she wanted to sit at the back with us and she said 'no, i like to sit in front', now she, being a wannabe, is sitting at the backest row. Sheesh.
She think's Kar Mun loves her so much (you know, Kar Mun is a very nosy person :P) She sits with Yin Ling, Di Wern, Jo Yee and the others during recess, when they HATE her. Since when she waits at the anjung muafakat before school? She waits at the lorong by the boys toilet. I guess cause she has NO friends and NOBODY likes her there or something. And she's wearing this bracelet thinggy, just cause everyone's wearing it, she thinks she's so cool cause she wears that. Correction, you're not cool, you were not cool, you will never be cool. YOU UNDERSTAND?
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Warning: Do Not
Poh Wei's blog got me stuck (stupid right click, sheeesh) I'm stubborn anyway, i don't listen to what they try to tell me. Except really important things which i sometimes take seriously, eg- 'congratulations, you're pregnant!'. See, i updated just to warn you-people-outside-this-screen-who-are-reading-this NOT to right click anything on her blog. Ain't i kind?
I'm listening to this really freaky song on astro channel 311. It's like 'shu-bi-du-wa' or something like that (i mean like, what the?) And i don't even know if one of the two singers is a male or a female? Which reminds me, i once saw this show where this guy thought F and M (which stands for male and female) stands for Father and Mother :D
I'm listening to this really freaky song on astro channel 311. It's like 'shu-bi-du-wa' or something like that (i mean like, what the?) And i don't even know if one of the two singers is a male or a female? Which reminds me, i once saw this show where this guy thought F and M (which stands for male and female) stands for Father and Mother :D
I Like The Way You Move
Michelle Yeoh saw a flasher outside the gate near our basketball court (What the heck? o_o) Roze Nn and Rachel came to our class and told us. I want to see, not that i want to see his you-know-what or something. But, seriously? :)
I lost one of my cloud9 today, i was panic-ing. It costed me like RM0.30 okay? I want to wear contact lens. It makes me more responsible, i have to wash it and stuff like that. So it makes me a so called 'better person', and i've to spend money for the liquid to wash the lens. I want BLUE eyes :) I learnt how to make this name thing with strings. I'm making it for Lionel since he's going to England soon. And he is or was the best trainer i've ever had (best so far, to be exact)
I've got to go, i updated for the sake of people who bugs beatrice to update. Here you go :) I'll get the pictures in soon, just wait, have some patience. Beatrice is a very lazy person (which you already know :P)
I lost one of my cloud9 today, i was panic-ing. It costed me like RM0.30 okay? I want to wear contact lens. It makes me more responsible, i have to wash it and stuff like that. So it makes me a so called 'better person', and i've to spend money for the liquid to wash the lens. I want BLUE eyes :) I learnt how to make this name thing with strings. I'm making it for Lionel since he's going to England soon. And he is or was the best trainer i've ever had (best so far, to be exact)
I've got to go, i updated for the sake of people who bugs beatrice to update. Here you go :) I'll get the pictures in soon, just wait, have some patience. Beatrice is a very lazy person (which you already know :P)
Better In Time
It's been the longest winter without you
I didn't know where to turn to
See somehow I can't forget you
After all that we've been through
Go in, come in, thought I heard a knock
Who's there? No one, thinking that I deserved it
Now I realize that I really didn't know
You didn't notice, you mean everything
Quickly I'm learning to love again
All I know is, I'ma be okay
Thought I couldn't live without you
It's gonna hurt when it heals too, oh yeah
(It'll all get better in time)
Even though I really loved you
I'm gonna smile 'cause I deserve to
(It'll all get better in time)
How could I turn on the TV
Without something there to remind me?
Was it all that easy
To just put aside your feelings?
If I'm dreaming, don't wanna let, hurt my feelings
But that's the path, I believe in
And I know that, time will heal it
You didn't notice, you mean everything
Quickly I'm learning to love again
All I know is, I'ma be okay
Thought I couldn't live without you
It's gonna hurt when it heals too, oh yeah
(It'll all get better in time)
Even though I really loved you
I'm gonna smile 'cause I deserve to
(It'll all get better in time)
Since there's no more you and me
It's time I let you go so I can be free
And live my life how it should be
No matter how hard it is, I'll be fine without you
Yes, I will
Thought I couldn't live without you
It's gonna hurt when it heals too, oh
(It'll all get better in time)
Even though I really loved you
I wanna smile 'cause I deserve to, yes, I do
(It'll all get better in time)
Thought I couldn't live without you
It's gonna hurt when it heals too, yeah
(It'll all get better in time)
And even though I really loved you
Gonna smile 'cause I deserve to
I didn't know where to turn to
See somehow I can't forget you
After all that we've been through
Go in, come in, thought I heard a knock
Who's there? No one, thinking that I deserved it
Now I realize that I really didn't know
You didn't notice, you mean everything
Quickly I'm learning to love again
All I know is, I'ma be okay
Thought I couldn't live without you
It's gonna hurt when it heals too, oh yeah
(It'll all get better in time)
Even though I really loved you
I'm gonna smile 'cause I deserve to
(It'll all get better in time)
How could I turn on the TV
Without something there to remind me?
Was it all that easy
To just put aside your feelings?
If I'm dreaming, don't wanna let, hurt my feelings
But that's the path, I believe in
And I know that, time will heal it
You didn't notice, you mean everything
Quickly I'm learning to love again
All I know is, I'ma be okay
Thought I couldn't live without you
It's gonna hurt when it heals too, oh yeah
(It'll all get better in time)
Even though I really loved you
I'm gonna smile 'cause I deserve to
(It'll all get better in time)
Since there's no more you and me
It's time I let you go so I can be free
And live my life how it should be
No matter how hard it is, I'll be fine without you
Yes, I will
Thought I couldn't live without you
It's gonna hurt when it heals too, oh
(It'll all get better in time)
Even though I really loved you
I wanna smile 'cause I deserve to, yes, I do
(It'll all get better in time)
Thought I couldn't live without you
It's gonna hurt when it heals too, yeah
(It'll all get better in time)
And even though I really loved you
Gonna smile 'cause I deserve to
Monday, July 7, 2008
Heavy Heart
My neck is killing me. I think it's because i've been sitting in front on the computer since i came back from school (incase you're wondering, i DID take a break for my shower :P) Msn's getting really boring. Nobody's available to chat. Gosh, i've never been so bored. I need something to save me (caffeine perhaps?) Oh great! The pain just went away :) So i guess caffeine does help, just by saying it?
I want to be like Oprah. Wait, i want to be Oprah - but too bad, i'm not kind (i don't even give money to beggars on the strees, perhaps cause they're FRAUDS)
I want to be like Oprah. Wait, i want to be Oprah - but too bad, i'm not kind (i don't even give money to beggars on the strees, perhaps cause they're FRAUDS)
Behind Those Lies
Our project got FULL MARKS :)
40 marks :D We're taking turns to keep it. Everyone's fighting over it, haha. Teacher asked wether our chicken was a chicken or aduck (so is it our fault that teacher couldn't reconigse?) Our cow is soo retarded. Asyraff thought the chicken was maroon (what the heck? :P) He also thought it was a DUCK.
Michelle Chin Chee Kheng squished one of our pig's ear. Poor guy (it could be a girl, could it?) Asyraff asked the most nothing-to-say question. He asked what does pig taste like. I mean like, i couldn't just say it taste good right? (it really does, actually) I have to respect his religion.
I didn't wear my cocky spectacles to school today. Jonathan asked me wether i was (or 'i am'?) wearing contact lenses. No, i am not ('i was' not?) - but i want to. My mommy doesnt allow :(
A hundred and fifty ringgit ;
#1 : Another pair of shorts - RM10
#2 : Food and Beverages - RM 10
#3 : Reload - RM30
So, count count count and i have one hundred left (for my my birthday outing) ;
#1 : Ice skating - RM20
#2 : Movie - RM10
#3 : Food and Beverages - RM20
#4 : Other stuffs a girl needs - RM 50
So, count count count and i'm left with ZERO. Bummer :( And i'm afraid to tell my daddy about my spectacles (gahaha :P) Anybody want to donate to the Foundation Of Beatrice Needs Money?
40 marks :D We're taking turns to keep it. Everyone's fighting over it, haha. Teacher asked wether our chicken was a chicken or a
Michelle Chin Chee Kheng squished one of our pig's ear. Poor guy (it could be a girl, could it?) Asyraff asked the most nothing-to-say question. He asked what does pig taste like. I mean like, i couldn't just say it taste good right? (it really does, actually) I have to respect his religion.
I didn't wear my cocky spectacles to school today. Jonathan asked me wether i was (or 'i am'?) wearing contact lenses. No, i am not ('i was' not?) - but i want to. My mommy doesnt allow :(
A hundred and fifty ringgit ;
#1 : Another pair of shorts - RM10
#2 : Food and Beverages - RM 10
#3 : Reload - RM30
So, count count count and i have one hundred left (for my my birthday outing) ;
#1 : Ice skating - RM20
#2 : Movie - RM10
#3 : Food and Beverages - RM20
#4 : Other stuffs a girl needs - RM 50
So, count count count and i'm left with ZERO. Bummer :( And i'm afraid to tell my daddy about my spectacles (gahaha :P) Anybody want to donate to the Foundation Of Beatrice Needs Money?
I've deleted my posts again, haha :D I find it amusing how people like me do all these stuff when we have too much time - but i bet you don't. Try it, amuse yourself. Well, maybe not? :)
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