First of all, WOON ZHIEN! HOW DID YOU GET MY LINK! -_____-
But also, i don't think it's really you.
Nuffiee (:
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Texas HoldEm Poker
Wah, i still don't know if earth hour is happening in my house D:
Got 8 hours more.
Me and Poh Wei had this idea, of using animated emoticons on blogger
Because its so cute
I feel like going back to sleep.

Got 8 hours more.
Me and Poh Wei had this idea, of using animated emoticons on blogger

Because its so cute

I feel like going back to sleep.

Friday, March 27, 2009
The Scorching Sun
The weather's so hot that my tan lines are so obvious ):
Why, sun. WHY.
I keep forgetting to put sunblock for volleyball.
I'm gonna get a sunburn and suffer one day.
May god have mercy on my skin.
I think that i should stop littering o_o
I just put up links. Since Sit Peng and Zenn asked me to link them.
I was so bored i linked everybody i could think of. haha
Why, sun. WHY.
I keep forgetting to put sunblock for volleyball.
I'm gonna get a sunburn and suffer one day.
May god have mercy on my skin.
I think that i should stop littering o_o
I just put up links. Since Sit Peng and Zenn asked me to link them.
I was so bored i linked everybody i could think of. haha
"When you are in love, you can't fall asleep because reality is better than your dreams"
Dr Seuss.
Dr Seuss.

March 27, 2009
LOL, i wonder how was Yu Wei's 'celebration' last night. Hor Poh Wei :D
Today was so damn awesome.
Not so awesome, first we had Pj which was -_- because i couldn't even do ONE push up! D: I'm so weird wei.
Then we had to go for some Lipatan Napkin (kh) competition. Puan Mariati scolded us because we had to go for the competition. Wtf right -_-

Then the awesome part begins. So Pn Zarina was the teacher. She's so cute, i love her.
We were suppose so open the napkins but me and Poh Wei didn't so it was SO DAMN SMALL that we couldnt fold it! hahah! until teacher told us, we're damn dumb.
Pn Zarina Beatrice Choo
Okay, start sekarang ya, 10 minit.
Teacher, one hour lah. I wanna skip chinese!
After the competition was over, we lepak around with teacher and Zenn and Sit Peng. Started camwhoring with teachers camera. LOL, she didnt mind. I love her.
like 45 minutes after lepaking;
Okay, okay. Balik kelas.
Teacher i duwan go back for chinese D: I mop floor for you, wash the whole bilik jahitan! Do anything.
Sapu lantai.
*Me and Poh Wei lepak and played in bilik jahitan for another 15 minutes, lol -_-*
Okay, okay, balik kelas. Nak kunci bilik ni.
Teacher, give me ANYTHING to do! Cuci your kereta also can.
*huge LOL face*
So desperate to skip class. HAHAHA.
Then we had 3 periods of KH, started elektronik stuff.
Siapa nak tolong saya angkat barang
*Puts up hand* Teacher! I WANT :D:D:D:D
Today was so damn awesome.
Not so awesome, first we had Pj which was -_- because i couldn't even do ONE push up! D: I'm so weird wei.
Then we had to go for some Lipatan Napkin (kh) competition. Puan Mariati scolded us because we had to go for the competition. Wtf right -_-

Then the awesome part begins. So Pn Zarina was the teacher. She's so cute, i love her.
We were suppose so open the napkins but me and Poh Wei didn't so it was SO DAMN SMALL that we couldnt fold it! hahah! until teacher told us, we're damn dumb.
Well, Me&PWei didnt get 1st 2nd or 3rd place. lol -_- We're failures, but its okay cos it was fun haha.
Pn Zarina Beatrice Choo
Okay, start sekarang ya, 10 minit.
Teacher, one hour lah. I wanna skip chinese!
After the competition was over, we lepak around with teacher and Zenn and Sit Peng. Started camwhoring with teachers camera. LOL, she didnt mind. I love her.
like 45 minutes after lepaking;
Okay, okay. Balik kelas.
Teacher i duwan go back for chinese D: I mop floor for you, wash the whole bilik jahitan! Do anything.
Sapu lantai.
*Me and Poh Wei lepak and played in bilik jahitan for another 15 minutes, lol -_-*
Okay, okay, balik kelas. Nak kunci bilik ni.
Teacher, give me ANYTHING to do! Cuci your kereta also can.
*huge LOL face*
So desperate to skip class. HAHAHA.
Then we had 3 periods of KH, started elektronik stuff.
Siapa nak tolong saya angkat barang
*Puts up hand* Teacher! I WANT :D:D:D:D

Thursday, March 26, 2009
Yin Ling claims that she has high fever.
A temperateure of '38 point something' straight from her blog.
And normal human body temperature is 36-37.
(Yes, i know what im actually learning in science, unlike zenn.)
So i wonder what my temperature of 48 on the first night after taking damn tetanus made me.
I should be gone case by now.
She also claimed that that was the temperature the doctor gave her, straight from the thermometer.
A temperateure of '38 point something' straight from her blog.
And normal human body temperature is 36-37.
(Yes, i know what im actually learning in science, unlike zenn.)
So i wonder what my temperature of 48 on the first night after taking damn tetanus made me.
I should be gone case by now.
She also claimed that that was the temperature the doctor gave her, straight from the thermometer.
I wonder where did Yin Ling's doctor buy his doctor license from.
What did we learn today, class????
Don't go to the same doctor yinling goes to, or he might tell you you're dead if he finds your temperature 40.
Don't go to the same doctor yinling goes to, or he might tell you you're dead if he finds your temperature 40.
She's so weird weih.
! Bitreeze wooooshei O: HAPPY BIRTHDAY TENEH :D says:
beyond normal
Michelle <3 says:
! Bitreeze wooooshei O: HAPPY BIRTHDAY TENEH :D says:
She's not normal
beyond normal
Michelle <3 says:
! Bitreeze wooooshei O: HAPPY BIRTHDAY TENEH :D says:
She's not normal
Oh, Right!
I didn't go for Leo Interview.
So what? Big deal.
So what? Big deal.
Nway, poh wei.
We must keep <3 a secret :)
We must keep <3 a secret :)
First of all,
You're much taller now.
Remember ah, you owe me KFC.
I owe you Matkool. OKAI?! :D
You're very unlucky because when i talk to you i'm always high.
One day you'll get your chance. Haha.
Nway, just want you to know.
That i know where you live.
You're much taller now.
Remember ah, you owe me KFC.
I owe you Matkool. OKAI?! :D
You're very unlucky because when i talk to you i'm always high.
One day you'll get your chance. Haha.
Nway, just want you to know.
That i know where you live.
Wait, blog about today first okay.
Maths was first. Don't get a single thing. I'm just gonna copy somebody's book tomorrow :D
Then BM. Pn Maziana was trying to act all innocent because Pn Ang was doing some teacher evaluation at the back, sitting right beside us. Couldn't talk, dammit.
Maziana was trying to put up and act. Being all nice. Photostated stuff for us ; normally abuses our ability to write. She even drew a turtle ; probably to make Pn And think she's so cute thats why she drew a turtle or something.
Once Pn Ang exit the class.
THE EVIL BEYOND RISES. She became all evil and abusive again that i just felt like going to the front and tell her 'no wonder you become teacher lah, you underpaid witch'.
But ofcourse, i'm too nice
Recess, blah. English, suprisingly i got damn alot of wrongs for one particular grammar paper. You know, is are, live lives, with or without the 's'. I got almost the whole paper wrong. Mygosh -_-
MORAL. MR YAP, the best teacher a school could have. I hope some other school takes him away because he's so good at teaching and i really want the best for him.
Chinese was boring as usual. Oh yeah, i got no chinese. I mean WBS WBS.
And Geo. Teacher gave us like 2 periods to do one piece of paper, lol. Discussed it like 15 minutes before school was over. i was so daring that i put up my hand for one question and shouted 'teacher! i dont know how to find the answer'.
Proudly went infront. But i didn't have enough testicles to go tell teacher i didnt know everything else. Which was why i didn't answer any questions. And btw, testicles are politer words than balls :D
Went for volley.
Played under the rain. The balls were DAMN heave because they sucked up water.
Argued with Woon Zhien about the issue of lesbians, which he thinks i am one.
He's such a moron. He's so DUMB. I was talking to Poh Wei and he started staring at me.
So i just told him 'look what, don't look at lesbian like me. Go play your ball lah'.
He laughed.
I'm sure we're gonna have another lesbian/gay argument on coming Monday's training.
Lol, Nabilla danced with us today.
Me and Esther could do this thing Poh Wei couldn't do and she started getting all fustrated and manja which would NEVER work on me. Which reminds me, i've to wash Poh Wei's socks D:
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Okay, so we got our injection today.
Personal opinion, it was quite painful. HAHA
you people especially zenn must think im weak. Lol
My whole hand started to become numb.
And eventually startedd burning.
Right now, my arm's swollen and i cant lift my left hand up.
Stupid tetanus. Cruel people.
Personal opinion, it was quite painful. HAHA
you people especially zenn must think im weak. Lol
My whole hand started to become numb.
And eventually startedd burning.
Right now, my arm's swollen and i cant lift my left hand up.
Stupid tetanus. Cruel people.
Monday, March 23, 2009
We thought we were going to get our injections today.
So dissapointed. I was really looking forward to cry or see others cry.
I'm such a sadist(if you dont know, go wiki this word lah) :)
So many people fainted during perhimpunan which was one hour.
After 3 girls fainted, they realised they had to stop.
We talked all the way till recess.
Talked again.
Then English. Erm, we were suppose to do this parent and children thing. Complaints and stuff.
Eli; My son ah, like Arshad-- (ermm i forgot what she said so lets skip :D)
Me; My son ah, very irresponsible. He told me he wanted a puppy. Fine, i got him a puppy.
But when the puppy shit, i have to clean up the shit for him.
Michelle; (FORGOT :D)
Mindy; (FORGOT :D)
Poh Wei; My son ah, don't study.
*Looks at me, WHAT TO SAY*
Me whispers; Ppl cal him stupid, so malu.
Teacher; So whats the solution?
All of us; Lock them up in dog cages.
Teacher; How long?
Me; Err. ONE YEAR :)
lol. we got 10/10 for some junk haha. Oh well.
Then, SENI.
So we had test. And we copied each other, like duh.
Then we saw this word hahagian, which was suppose to be bahagian.
Then we started laughing and laughing and laughing. After laughing, i couldn't see whats so funny. Then i started laughing again. What a freak-haha.
Awesomest practise ever.
I served succesfully EIGHT in a row. I was so darn happy.
Nabilla gave everyone a sip of her 100 plus, lol.
Woon Zhien Me
*Shows kissy face to poh wei*
NO! -_-
Eh, *insertnamewhichiforgothere* She just kissed her.
Dont listen to him.
You already wearing spectacles, STILL cannot see, apalah.
*Laughs, walk away.*
Had the funniest match ever.
Saved a ball. Best save ever <33
And i just realised, its NABIELA. -__-
So dissapointed. I was really looking forward to cry or see others cry.
I'm such a sadist(if you dont know, go wiki this word lah) :)
So many people fainted during perhimpunan which was one hour.
After 3 girls fainted, they realised they had to stop.
We talked all the way till recess.
Talked again.
Then English. Erm, we were suppose to do this parent and children thing. Complaints and stuff.
Eli; My son ah, like Arshad-- (ermm i forgot what she said so lets skip :D)
Me; My son ah, very irresponsible. He told me he wanted a puppy. Fine, i got him a puppy.
But when the puppy shit, i have to clean up the shit for him.
Michelle; (FORGOT :D)
Mindy; (FORGOT :D)
Poh Wei; My son ah, don't study.
*Looks at me, WHAT TO SAY*
Me whispers; Ppl cal him stupid, so malu.
Teacher; So whats the solution?
All of us; Lock them up in dog cages.
Teacher; How long?
Me; Err. ONE YEAR :)
lol. we got 10/10 for some junk haha. Oh well.
Then, SENI.
So we had test. And we copied each other, like duh.
Then we saw this word hahagian, which was suppose to be bahagian.
Then we started laughing and laughing and laughing. After laughing, i couldn't see whats so funny. Then i started laughing again. What a freak-haha.
Awesomest practise ever.
I served succesfully EIGHT in a row. I was so darn happy.
Nabilla gave everyone a sip of her 100 plus, lol.
Woon Zhien Me
*Shows kissy face to poh wei*
NO! -_-
Eh, *insertnamewhichiforgothere* She just kissed her.
Dont listen to him.
You already wearing spectacles, STILL cannot see, apalah.
*Laughs, walk away.*
Had the funniest match ever.
Saved a ball. Best save ever <33
And i just realised, its NABIELA. -__-
Sunday, March 22, 2009
School's starting tomorrow!
I havnt finish any of my homework.
I havnt finish any of my homework.
I'm waiting till five oclock to watch Hannah Montana.
Lol, DONT LAUGH okay!
It's a new season lah! hahaha.
Watching click.
I love the dog, haha.
I love the dog, haha.
My brother borrowed 7 bucks from me.
Remind me to ask him for my money back.
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Rain Rain Go Away
We all sing "Rain rain go away, come again another day"
Yet, we can't continue it. Can we? :)
We're stuck. Noobs.
We were even brought up by altered pirated Nursery Rhymes!
Rain rain go away,
Come again another day.
Little Brian wants to play;
Rain, rain, go to Spain,
Never show your face again!
I'm so dissapointed.
Terrible horrible vegetable.
Yet, we can't continue it. Can we? :)
We're stuck. Noobs.
We were even brought up by altered pirated Nursery Rhymes!
Rain rain go away,
Come again another day.
Little Brian wants to play;
Rain, rain, go to Spain,
Never show your face again!
I'm so dissapointed.
Terrible horrible vegetable.
- "Do you know the muffin man, the muffin man, the muffin man?
- Do you know the muffin man, who lives in Muffin Lane?"
- "Yes, I know the muffin man, the muffin man, the muffin man;
- Oh, yes, I know the muffin man, who lives in Muffin Lane."
So cute right haha.
LOL, another one!
- Georgie Porgie, Puddin' and Pie,
- Kissed the girls and made them cry,
- When the boys came out to play
- Georgie Porgie ran away.
- Georgie Porgie, puddin' and pie
- kissed the girls and made them cry
- and when the boys came out to play,
- he kissed them too, 'cause he was gay.
Wiki, our daily information provider;
Modern version
Baa, baa, black sheep,
Have you any wool?
Yes sir, yes sir,
Three bags full.
One for the master,
One for the dame,
And one for the little boy
Who lives down the lane.
WHAT HAVE WE BEEN THOUGHT GROWING UP? Some cetak rompak remix version of the original baa baa black sheep.
Tsk, we've been brought up with a lie, what other lies is there?!
Soon you'll tell me jack didnt climb the beanstock! He climbed rapunzel's hair!
Original Version
Bah, Bah a black Sheep,
Have you any Wool?
Yes merry have I,
Three Bags full, One for my master,
One for my Dame,
One for the little Boy
That lives down the lane.
Bah, Bah a black Sheep,
Have you any Wool?
Yes merry have I,
Three Bags full, One for my master,
One for my Dame,
One for the little Boy
That lives down the lane.
Modern version
Baa, baa, black sheep,
Have you any wool?
Yes sir, yes sir,
Three bags full.
One for the master,
One for the dame,
And one for the little boy
Who lives down the lane.
WHAT HAVE WE BEEN THOUGHT GROWING UP? Some cetak rompak remix version of the original baa baa black sheep.
Tsk, we've been brought up with a lie, what other lies is there?!
Soon you'll tell me jack didnt climb the beanstock! He climbed rapunzel's hair!
Friday, March 20, 2009
Just watched the advertistment. Now i remembered wht to blog about. Damn amnesia (which i DONT have so don't come up with a conclusion that i do have it)

We're just suppose to turn off all the lights right? I can leave the TV/Computer can I? O: I already have short sightedness. Don't wanna read watch tv in the dark right? Spoils your eyes. And you can't tell me "Then off the tv lah?!"
What am i suppose to do during that ONE hour. I cant be sitting outside me house for ONE HOUR right?
But i would like to save the earth. "Haha, look who's talking." But seriously man, global warming! Not sure if global warming has anything to do with electricity but oh well.
What am i suppose to do during that ONE hour. I cant be sitting outside me house for ONE HOUR right?
But i would like to save the earth. "Haha, look who's talking." But seriously man, global warming! Not sure if global warming has anything to do with electricity but oh well.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
:D, i know some of you tak tau how to spell doraemon, cheh.
Just needed something to fill in title.
Not gonna blog anything about doraemon.
Which reminds me, i actually read doraemon comic books. lolz :D
Classic man.
Okay. FOCUS.
I hate Paula Abdul. dot dash dot.
Simon's the man, man. So stick up to the man.
Anooopopopopopopo Dezaixssss so hot. hahaha
Today, tuition(s).
I bought Jolly Shandy, and i went for facial. Bought darlie. I like darlie, i like to EAT darlie. HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Whisper rocks. lolz
Just needed something to fill in title.
Not gonna blog anything about doraemon.
Which reminds me, i actually read doraemon comic books. lolz :D
Classic man.
Okay. FOCUS.
I hate Paula Abdul. dot dash dot.
Simon's the man, man. So stick up to the man.
Anooopopopopopopo Dezaixssss so hot. hahaha
Today, tuition(s).
- Me and Gabriel were fighting over Joli's brownies.
- I have to idea what indices is about.
- Ryan Khong said 'hi! long time no see, Beatrice' DO I EVEN KNOW HIM?! like dotdashdot! Weirdo.
- Sonia still owes me my damn phone man!
- Phang Siew Ho finally got his guitar hero dot dash dot.
- Me PSH and CSL had guitar hero match. couldnt finish, teacher came in. Obviously, i would win cos i've been playing it for so long. hehe :)
- Siew Ho told me something really bitchy about *****. Wow, how could she say that. She should really check her weighing machine than say anything like that.
I bought Jolly Shandy, and i went for facial. Bought darlie. I like darlie, i like to EAT darlie. HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Whisper rocks. lolz
Sunday, March 15, 2009
CANCER - The Cutie
MOST AMAZING KISSER. Very high appeal. Love is one of a kind. Very romantic. Most caring person you will ever meet! Entirely creative. Extremely random and proud of it. Freak.
Spontaneous. Great telling stories. Not a Fighter, But will Knock your lights out if it comes down to it. Someone you should hold on to.
LOL, SEE. it proves that i'm a freak. hahhahaa.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
March 13th 2009
Yes, this post is suppose to be dated yesterday but i didnt come online so yeahh :)
I cant type because i tore my finger tissue (according to pn ernice), due to volley. So much for keeping my nails long.
And my whole finger's wrapped up. I can't play volleyball for a minimum of 1 week.
Hate my life.
Teacher's getting our jersey's made. Pls give me number 11 :)
Believe it or not, i took 15 minutes to type this post.
I'm so retarded.
I feel like crying because i really needa go to the toilet.
but im so lazy to get up.
Help me.
I cant type because i tore my finger tissue (according to pn ernice), due to volley. So much for keeping my nails long.
And my whole finger's wrapped up. I can't play volleyball for a minimum of 1 week.
Hate my life.
Teacher's getting our jersey's made. Pls give me number 11 :)
Believe it or not, i took 15 minutes to type this post.
I'm so retarded.
I feel like crying because i really needa go to the toilet.
but im so lazy to get up.
Help me.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
March 11, 2009
We got our Samudra.
Was not exciting at all.
I have Sejarah work to do that has to passed up by tomorrow recess.
I understood Maths because i already learnt it in tuition yesterday.
I entered Fernandez and everybody started screaming at me for guitar hero.
I felt like slapping toot toot toot.
My brother's helping my mother to cook and i think food poisoning's gonna kill me today.
I called handphone teet teet kei.
Nicholas was SO DAMN SPEECHLESS after i told him off.
*Me & P were playing with ball number 23168502102051681684245* :)
Salofark : What the fuck at they doing. So lame
*ME & P stares at him with stfu face*
*ME, did some superawesomelaughyourskillzoff move*
Everybody stared at us
Salofark never said a word ever again
I think that shut him up real good.
Hmm, i wonder if he knows he can't shuffle.
Hope he reads this.
And Salofark, you're so pro at shuffling that if i compare you to xxx's youtube shuffling video, you might actually have one extra move
which is, being retarded.
We got our Samudra.
Was not exciting at all.
I have Sejarah work to do that has to passed up by tomorrow recess.
I understood Maths because i already learnt it in tuition yesterday.
I entered Fernandez and everybody started screaming at me for guitar hero.
I felt like slapping toot toot toot.
My brother's helping my mother to cook and i think food poisoning's gonna kill me today.
I called handphone teet teet kei.
Nicholas was SO DAMN SPEECHLESS after i told him off.
*Me & P were playing with ball number 23168502102051681684245* :)
Salofark : What the fuck at they doing. So lame
*ME & P stares at him with stfu face*
*ME, did some superawesomelaughyourskillzoff move*
Everybody stared at us
Salofark never said a word ever again
I think that shut him up real good.
Hmm, i wonder if he knows he can't shuffle.
Hope he reads this.
And Salofark, you're so pro at shuffling that if i compare you to xxx's youtube shuffling video, you might actually have one extra move
which is, being retarded.
AND, i NEVER said i was nice okay.
AND, i NEVER said i was nice okay.
I Wonder
Oh, i think it's Zenn's :)
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Canteen Day
So that day was Canteen Day, which most of you types it as Kantin Day. Stop mixing English and BM!
BM's a sacred language!
And we should all be reading the Al-Quran and burn the Bible cos we're Christians and we should be going to Arab to pray and become haji and hajah christian version.
Sorry, got carried away, lolz.
Who am i to tell you to stop mixing languages when im Speaking Macam Ini.
I'm so racist. i know :D
First thing bout canteen day, so UNORGANIZED.
They gave us our donuts in plastic bags.
And i think the plastic bag ate all the chocolate and we just ate the donut (which was suppose to be on the donut but ended up in the plastic bag)
AND! i didn't get my drink, WTFBALLZ right?! i bought a set and i expect a set not some empty donut with no complimentary drink. USELESS BETUL.
Eat donut,
pergi ambil AISHCRIM.
Me and Poh Wei were lining up, and there was this girl who wanted to cut line
(which at the end got too cos she was so ignorantly fat and couldnt spend her money going to the gym, instead wasting it on icecream)
She kept using her big fat elbow to poke her way in, almost sitting on me, being so fat.
And the ice cream was damn kao small man, more like 0.3 of a scoop.
And i paid 1.80 for two! Again, useless.
I swear i'm not buying nything for canteen day next year.
So we(MEPPYL) sat at the teres (MIXING BI & BM LAH OKAY!, HAPPY?)
Rajvin sat for 5 minutes, telling us what he ate.
He looked like he was gonna throw up.
Thank goodness i wasn't sitting right infront of him.
Then there were this group of form 5's
Me Form 5's
Can i have a pizza?
*Smilees, wtf face*
It was a dare i think?
Then there was this guy, i shall call FON if you can even guess what that means :)
FON : Erhm, hi?
*FON looks at Poh Wei*
FON : Erhm, you're Poh Wei right?
ME : (whispers)SAY NO SAY NO.
FON : Erhm, last year form 2 right? I think i know you
POH WEI : Errr, *fuck-what-to-say face* I don't know you
FON : Oh, erhm, yes i think i do
POH WEI : I don't know you.
ME : *(thinks) Sengethead, get lost lah, stalker*
FON : *Walks away*
Then went back to class after ages.
Forgot what happened.
I think i'll take a nap.
BM's a sacred language!
And we should all be reading the Al-Quran and burn the Bible cos we're Christians and we should be going to Arab to pray and become haji and hajah christian version.
Sorry, got carried away, lolz.
Who am i to tell you to stop mixing languages when im Speaking Macam Ini.
I'm so racist. i know :D
First thing bout canteen day, so UNORGANIZED.
They gave us our donuts in plastic bags.
And i think the plastic bag ate all the chocolate and we just ate the donut (which was suppose to be on the donut but ended up in the plastic bag)
AND! i didn't get my drink, WTFBALLZ right?! i bought a set and i expect a set not some empty donut with no complimentary drink. USELESS BETUL.
Eat donut,
pergi ambil AISHCRIM.
Me and Poh Wei were lining up, and there was this girl who wanted to cut line
(which at the end got too cos she was so ignorantly fat and couldnt spend her money going to the gym, instead wasting it on icecream)
She kept using her big fat elbow to poke her way in, almost sitting on me, being so fat.
And the ice cream was damn kao small man, more like 0.3 of a scoop.
And i paid 1.80 for two! Again, useless.
I swear i'm not buying nything for canteen day next year.
So we(MEPPYL) sat at the teres (MIXING BI & BM LAH OKAY!, HAPPY?)
Rajvin sat for 5 minutes, telling us what he ate.
He looked like he was gonna throw up.
Thank goodness i wasn't sitting right infront of him.
Then there were this group of form 5's
Me Form 5's
Can i have a pizza?
*Smilees, wtf face*
It was a dare i think?
Then there was this guy, i shall call FON if you can even guess what that means :)
FON : Erhm, hi?
*FON looks at Poh Wei*
FON : Erhm, you're Poh Wei right?
ME : (whispers)SAY NO SAY NO.
FON : Erhm, last year form 2 right? I think i know you
POH WEI : Errr, *fuck-what-to-say face* I don't know you
FON : Oh, erhm, yes i think i do
POH WEI : I don't know you.
ME : *(thinks) Sengethead, get lost lah, stalker*
FON : *Walks away*
Then went back to class after ages.
Forgot what happened.
I think i'll take a nap.
Monday, March 9, 2009
Went for lunch with my family and some friends. My brothers so gayh.
Came back. we stood outside for 5 minutes.
brother says 'why you never open the door, what you waiting for'
i replied 'you holding key right'
Then went in, open the door.
' eh beatrice, come i tell you something'
' go die lah'
' lock the door'
' -_- '
then i buka computer.
brother plays with mouse, takes our food bowl.
'why so much shit one'
'this mouse damn retarded why shit so much'
'like you lah'
brother takes out pipe, sprays me
Parents went to Giant. My brother's so gayh. He hit me. I'm gonna scratch him. I wonder what he's doing inside his room now.
Came back. we stood outside for 5 minutes.
brother says 'why you never open the door, what you waiting for'
i replied 'you holding key right'
Then went in, open the door.
' eh beatrice, come i tell you something'
' go die lah'
' lock the door'
' -_- '
then i buka computer.
brother plays with mouse, takes our food bowl.
'why so much shit one'
'this mouse damn retarded why shit so much'
'like you lah'
brother takes out pipe, sprays me
Parents went to Giant. My brother's so gayh. He hit me. I'm gonna scratch him. I wonder what he's doing inside his room now.
Two lyrics for you. Haha
#1) Phineas and Ferb, yes im gayh. Me and Deborah are addicted. lol.
There's 104 days of summer vacation
And school comes along just to end it
So the annual problem for our generation
Is finding a good way to spend it
Like maybe!
Building a rocket
Or fighting a mummy
Or climbing up the Eiffel Tower
Discovering something that doesn't exist (Hey! )
Or giving a monkey a shower
Surfing tidal waves
Creating nano bots
Or locating Frankenstein's brain (It's over here! )
Finding a dodo bird
Painting a continent
Or driving your sister insane (Phineas! )
As you can see
There's a whole lot of stuff to do
Before school starts this fall (Come on Perry)
So stick with us 'cause Phineas and Ferb
Are gonna do it all
So stick with us 'cause Phineas and Ferb are
Gonna do it all!
(Mom! Phineas and Ferb are making a title sequence! )
#2) MATKOOL, lolz.
#1) Phineas and Ferb, yes im gayh. Me and Deborah are addicted. lol.
There's 104 days of summer vacation
And school comes along just to end it
So the annual problem for our generation
Is finding a good way to spend it
Like maybe!
Building a rocket
Or fighting a mummy
Or climbing up the Eiffel Tower
Discovering something that doesn't exist (Hey! )
Or giving a monkey a shower
Surfing tidal waves
Creating nano bots
Or locating Frankenstein's brain (It's over here! )
Finding a dodo bird
Painting a continent
Or driving your sister insane (Phineas! )
As you can see
There's a whole lot of stuff to do
Before school starts this fall (Come on Perry)
So stick with us 'cause Phineas and Ferb
Are gonna do it all
So stick with us 'cause Phineas and Ferb are
Gonna do it all!
(Mom! Phineas and Ferb are making a title sequence! )
#2) MATKOOL, lolz.
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Haha. Well, we finally went to Sahara field today :) After years and months of planning.
YL picked me up at 4.30 but Poh Wei wasnt home yet.
So we broke into her house and waited.
At 5, not home yet. I was hungry and YL was thirsty so we decided to go to esso to get food and drinks.
Finally went to the park to wait for Poh Wei. AN HOUR LATER, she baru show up,
i thought she was delayed because maybe somebody cycled their bike into her parents spotlight. LOL.
Saw Andrew and Kyrie. Made a new friend. Her name's Erin. She helps us get the ball if it flies away. She's so nice.
So we saw a teacher from our school, Mr Beh. He was talking to some friend and the ball flew there so he picked it up for us. And this guy friend of Mr Beh had a dog.
As MAJORITY of you know, three of us are freaks.
So we went over to play with his dog and said hi to him. lol.
He let me walk the dog.

Bought IceCream. Matkool Matkool. lolz, me and poh wei sang matkool osng all the way home.
YL picked me up at 4.30 but Poh Wei wasnt home yet.
So we broke into her house and waited.
At 5, not home yet. I was hungry and YL was thirsty so we decided to go to esso to get food and drinks.
Finally went to the park to wait for Poh Wei. AN HOUR LATER, she baru show up,
i thought she was delayed because maybe somebody cycled their bike into her parents spotlight. LOL.
Saw Andrew and Kyrie. Made a new friend. Her name's Erin. She helps us get the ball if it flies away. She's so nice.
So we saw a teacher from our school, Mr Beh. He was talking to some friend and the ball flew there so he picked it up for us. And this guy friend of Mr Beh had a dog.
As MAJORITY of you know, three of us are freaks.
So we went over to play with his dog and said hi to him. lol.
He let me walk the dog.

OH LOOK. I HAVE A DOG. and Mr Beh's the one in blue shirt. LOLOLOLZ.

Then we started to play.
I drank finish everyone's water.
Cos i was so dehydrated,
that i couldn't care less if anybody died of dehydration cos i finished their drink.
I drank finish everyone's water.
Cos i was so dehydrated,
that i couldn't care less if anybody died of dehydration cos i finished their drink.

Omgosh. So retarded. Kangkang.

Lol. Mind the face.
It's disturbing.
(Oh! look at poh wei getting the ball! :D)
It's disturbing.
(Oh! look at poh wei getting the ball! :D)

Swing my life awayyyyyyyy.

Yes, i admit i'm a poser.

Bought IceCream. Matkool Matkool. lolz, me and poh wei sang matkool osng all the way home.
Saturday, March 7, 2009
As some of you know. I don't know how to cycle. People like Roze Nn gives no shit wether i can cycle or not. haha.
If you give me a bicycle i can crash into your car
the next thing you know, you've got mysterious saman for broken spotlight.
I'd leave a cheque of RM50 on your windscreen if it ever happens.
And you'd know it was me because i'm telling you right now
that there's a posibility that i broke your spotlight and made you dapat saman.
And for that, i shall say to you.
If you give me a bicycle i can crash into your car
the next thing you know, you've got mysterious saman for broken spotlight.
I'd leave a cheque of RM50 on your windscreen if it ever happens.
And you'd know it was me because i'm telling you right now
that there's a posibility that i broke your spotlight and made you dapat saman.
And for that, i shall say to you.
-Beatrice original :)
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