9th - 11th March 2010.
Me, Su Hsien, Sit Peng, Deborah, Weng Soon, Calwin, Eng Kuan and Kum Fong were chosen to represent out dear school for some EKSPEDISI MURID SEKOLAH MENENGAH at Pusat Kokurikilum Bagan Lalang, Sepang. Sponsored by the state's ministry of education.
It was all free. I didn't have to use a cent which doesn't exist anymore soo, i didn't have to use five cents. I didn't even touch my wallet! (Y)
We studied for 4 periods and left right after recess on the 9th. Had a reason to just stone in class without books but SADLY had to do our BM test -.-
SCREW BM -.-NWAY, we left school and reached the stadium where we waited for another school. While waiting, we played volleyball, monkey, hot potato, etc. Twas super fun and noisy.
Then some old guy drove past and started honking to a tone. Teacher said that he was drunk and i agree. He was high. Summore driving some high class mercedes! Nut fella get into accident so wasted.
Then the bus came, and the trip to Bagan Lalang begin! :D We went to pick up another school which was so wtf cos we had to wait for their teacher for 30 minutes and the teacher decided to go himself at the end. WTF, wasted out precious time.
People started sleeping. So did i. Everybody woke up at the same time because of major bumps on the road. And Kf realised, he needed to pee :) 30 minutes before reaching and the road was getting bumpier as we were driving past those rural places and Kf was really really gonna spill. Poor him.
Then the bus stopped :D WAS SO EXCITED so we took a picture :D But.. we noticed that it said Lembaga Kemajuan Ikan Malaysia and realised, we're not there yet -.-

We passed by the beach :)

Reached, hanged around, waited for other schools to arrive, waited for the muslims to finish their prayer, had tea, forgot what happened.

At night, we all gathered at the big tent and we sang songs :D So funny :D Had supper, and went to bathe (at 11pm -.-)
it was raining heavily and our tent was almost flooded. our luggage were wet. Thank god our tent didn't fly off.
Woke up at 5 in the morning the next day. SCREW LAH, was damn freaking blur wei! I'm not a person who wakes up at FIVE in the morning -.- We walked out of the camp with Puan Ernice and stopped in the middle of the road. We all lied down on the road enjoying the stars. WHICH WAS DAMN PRETTY COS WE HAVE NO STARS HERE -.-
Then we had senaman pagi. And off we went for
paintball :D FREAKING FUN. But sadly didn't get to shoot people. only got to shoot bottles. BUT FUN ANYWAY :D
After paintball was, trekking at some palm oil estate. Our trainers made us bite the fruit. Tasted pretty weird -.- And said the hard thing inside the fruit costed alot of money. Should've took some home and sell them!
At night, we gathered at the big tent again and did our plays for malam kebudayaan. FAIL! HAHAHA, me and su hsien were in the same group. we got last. LAST I TELL YOU. LAST, LOL. Then we had games like 'Jebat Kata' which was the jebat version of 'Simon Says'.
AND LAST BUT NOT LEAST, THE CHICKEN DANCE! The best thing we did during the whole camp.
♥The next day, was the last day. Group picture time! But i dont have it. I'll try to scout around for it. Haha :)
And back to the bus. Back to civilisation.

i was discovered.
& the food sucked -.- No wonder the camp was free.