Nuffiee (:

Sunday, March 28, 2010


K, i think it's time i should blog while waiting for LEENKKIE to send me the pictures of Zenn's sweet sixteen.

My PEBEL is officially screwed. PEBEL is this system that the school recently decided to enforce. the PEBEL program basically means that our school exams will be ONLY 80% and our homework/performance will be the leftover 20% (10 for homework and the other 10 for sikap and stuff). therefore, 80+20 = 100%. They think that it's better for us considering if we only get a 70 for our exams, we need a 10 to get an A. BUT the problem is, i don't do my homework and the teachers hate me -.-

This is the PERFECT example of me. Exactly like me.

And another perfect example. Google images portrait me so well :')

The number one subject i hate right now, is Biology. I took pure science because i thought biology would be fun and i would like to dissect a frog (not sadist! if they ask me to dissect a bunny or some madly cute hamster i'd have a mental breakdown and cry)

Seeing the diagram, you might be thinking 'aiyoh, memorize a few more organelles only mah very difficult meh'.

I have to draw this out during exam! And label the parts. WTF, the names so damn 7 long how to remember?! And i've got a million more diagrams to memorize excluding this -.-



  1. LOL you make it sounds so bad.
    I'm starting biology next year... >.<

  2. science subjects are not my forte during high school =D

  3. Dalet ; Yes, it sucks. HAHA, BE VERY AFRAID xD

  4. Ken Wooi ; what you went through im going through now. SO SAD.
