Pray that if i'm wrong, the person who actually did it wont read this then feel unhappy, not satisfied and wont sue me for saying the wrong thing. but if i'm right, HA!
Nah, sample :D Bottom two pictures are mad blur because i was in a moving vehicle and i took it with my 2 megapixel phone which i'm very proud of because tho i've dropped it a million times, it only died on my once in it's life :D K, out of the topic. (seriously, i think i should join the debate thing or something since i like to talk so much that if you ask me to elaborate on one word i can write a 10 page essay on it but cannot guarantee that it stays in the topic. eg you give me the word fish i can turn it into rain or something, just saying. i know i dont make sense, k, forget it)

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