Since i'm so bored now i shall just type whatever i can think of.

Personally i am not a fan of football. I don't watch football, I don't have a clue on how to play football. I don't even know how many players are there in a team wtf. But i think that is because nobody has tried to influence me yet.
And nobody has fully convinced me to actually sit in front of the tv for 90 minutes. I TRIED because during one game, my dad got so excited so i thought it would be fun and gave it a go wtf. Oh my gosh i tell you, i sat there for 20 minutes seeing ONE ball being chased by TWENTY TWO players (isit 22? wtf) and NOT ONE GOAL. Abit boring right -.-
Sitting there 90 minutes and sometimes they only score ONE goal. I know lah.. not easy but it's not entertaining :'(
Don't lah all the football lovers out there say i suck cos i don't watch football. Everybody has their own personal opinion and i'm just expressing what i think :D
And sometimes it's super wtf, i like to talk about hot guys but when they talk about hot football players i got nothing to say cos i don't know anything omg T__T
My friends want to go to South Africa to watch the game but isn't it better to watch it at your own home wtf. Obviously watch something you love where you are more comfortable and you can lie and roll however you want. Plus, the stadium is like SOOO noisy you can barely hear what you are saying and the plane ticket to South Africa so expensivee.
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