Last saturday, me, Denise, Rozy, Ann Gie, Kian Yik, Iqbal, Hong Jin and Amanda went to Hatta's house. The first thing we did was GAMBLE. i was so reluctant to gamble but Rozy made me -.- So it was my virgin blackjack gamble :D My friends are such bad influences.
We barely did anything anyway, but i had so much fun :D Gambled for like 3 hours? :D Then we watched Paranormal Avitivity while Hatta ordered 6 boxes of pizza -.- GILA. And i only ate three pieces because i was too scared.
The starting of the show was so potong -.- Not scary at all and so boring. But i screamed twice near the ending. HAHA. So funny when the ghost pull her leg. and when she dirasuk she just stood there for two hours. so creepy!
Then we decided to take six pictures :D

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