Nuffiee (:

Sunday, May 24, 2009

It's 11:13 AM

Okay, so my title was mighty random. I woke up at 10:30 this morning. I find that amazing, cos i'd usually wake up around two? (hehe, dont judge) Maybe it's beecause i've been sleeping at 11 every night. Force of habit lah, sorry.

Some of you might not notice the hugeee lump on my mouse's neck. For your information, it's called a tumor. My fathers friend is a vet. So my mother called up and told him about the tumor (OMGOSH SO SAD RIGHT HE HAS A TUMOR).

He said there was no need for an operation as mice do not have long lives. He said it could be cancerous/benign or not. Or it could be some growth like pas in it or something, so he advised to take a pin and try to poke it to see if any pas or blood would come out.

I mean like, i didnt have the bravery to do that. And so did my mother because she claimed she could have a heart attack and i would be blamed for her death. So fine lah, left it.

I don't wanna see him die :( imagine, one morning i come down. Call him but no response. I think i would be the one who'd get a heart attack or even a stroke and go into a coma. Please bring flowers for me.

(But i 100% will not put my dead mouse into a plastic bag, i don't want it to go through what door went through. Also known as, Cheryl's hamster who died because Cheryl's grandmother fed it shit but i think it was just an excuse to get out of trouble for starving her hamster)

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