Quick re-cap of 09'! ♥
1) Played my first Texas HoldEm Poker game :D {CLICK}
2) Got cheated on {CLICK} PS; Dont take this seriously ah. Not lesbian.
MR YAP, 3C's moral teacher.
He was always the joke of the week.
4) I started volleyball! Super ♥ this sport loh, bout now lost interest edi -.-
I can't say that's the best thing that happened to me but i can state that it definitely contributed to my taller self now (DONT COMMENT!). & that it made me alot alot alot tanner.
Had the best team captain, NABILLA :)
[best captain isn't *** because there was obvious favouritism which i really didn't like! >( ]

But i needed the exercise leh, not that i'm fat or anything but i dont want to be someone who sleeps and eat all day.Which is what i did during the holidays :'(
I can't say that's the best thing that happened to me but i can state that it definitely contributed to my taller self now (DONT COMMENT!). & that it made me alot alot alot tanner.
Had the best team captain, NABILLA :)
[best captain isn't *** because there was obvious favouritism which i really didn't like! >( ]

But i needed the exercise leh, not that i'm fat or anything but i dont want to be someone who sleeps and eat all day.

5) My mouse died. It was a very sad day. & i still ♥ him like nuts. Dont laugh! Very easy to get attached to pets okay.

6) Michael Jackson died. & yes, THIS IS a big deal! Totally shadowed Farrah Fawcett's death man. She so suay to die on the same day as Michael loh, kesian her!

7) My very first subway ♥ which costed me RM17 (just saying). Second best thing i've ever eaten, next to Italian Food.

7) PMR. Stupid exam -.-
8)Post-PMR outing & Hui Xian's farewell.
Ms Read bill ; the day PMR ended.
Hui Xian's farewell.

The bill for Hui Xian's farewell was about RM 500.
And i thought Ms Read of RM200 was alot -.-
And i thought Ms Read of RM200 was alot -.-
9) RESULTS. Results on christmas eve is like the grinch ruining Christmas! May a christmas miracle happen & turn back time so i can re-do my Sejarah and Geografi :(
Didn't expect to get A for my Science and Bm leh! My BM komsas part, Pasir Salak thing i wrote CRAP wei! didn't study for BM also -.- & Science i found it mad hard!
Didn't expect to get A for my Science and Bm leh! My BM komsas part, Pasir Salak thing i wrote CRAP wei! didn't study for BM also -.- & Science i found it mad hard!
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