Picture of the day;

Haha, i'm so evil that i pushed her across the yellow line.
Okay, last saturday. Haha, super the much much the adventurous day :D
Most important part of this day, is me and Poh Wei's ulu identity not sitting lrt with friends. LOL
Okay okay, so Me, Poh Wei, Nabilla, Debra, Jia Hwei, Nikki, Li Jiet if there's any missing, idk lah.
We walked to Kelana Jaya lrt station, sit LRT to tmn jaya? I didn't know where was it lah, cos i'm so petalingjaya-uluness.
Then a&w. Camwhored until all over the place, haha. People stared at us like some kinda jakooons nvr take picture in a&w before. haha.
We talked about ghost, LOL. so funny and scary.
We also talked about burung puyu. Then poh wei was like, 'what ikan puyu?!'
Deaf, i told her 'people burung puyu, you ikan puyu'
Then we started talking about pets? HAHAHAH
Nabilla's pet eating mine and Jia Hwei's then dunno whatt.
Then we sat lrt back, everyone sorta, splitted up to diff stations.
She so berdikari, unlike me and poh wei, walk across the street also scared till lao sai. HAHA
My pictures are so unorganized so i just put them all together lah okay :D
Nabiela's bag damn pro. GOT ANIMATED PLASTER SUMMORE. Yeng to the max.
So we waited at school for Poh Wei's father to pic us up.
Then i went to Poh Wei's house.
And started playing with this box. Which suprisingly i could fit in. Then i realised that i need to grow. haha.

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