Rachel sent me/us emails;
Hello ALL!
Hiee. how are all of you? 
I sangat miss all of you! sigh..
I still don’t call this home yet. I feel like I'm on a holiday.
Haha. the house isn't fully equipped yet.
Only two beds in the guest room. The others are using mattresses.
The things that we shipped by air, arrived yesterday.
Nothing much. Just 20 boxes.
We're still waiting for the things shipped by sea to arrive. Another 61 boxes.
Don’t know where we're gonna keep all the junk.
HAHA. We can't swim yet. The frangipani trees that are covering the swimming pool, have white bugs, that are sucking the leaves.
And every night, they fall into the pool. So the next day, you see white stuffs floating on the surface of the water.
Of course we can take it out la, but not all. There'll still be some floating around no matter how hard you try.
As we're cleaning, more are dropping. So today, they've sprayed some chemical on it. To kill it.
Didn't seem to work somehow. Every tree in the compound is having this problem.
So.. instead of wasting our time, they cut off all the leaves.
So now there's practically nothing above the pool. Just the few barks and a few branches. But no leaves. Kinda ugly.
But better than not being able to swim for months.
We still can't swim though. They need to drain all the water. Scrub the pool properly.
Because the chemical they sprayed is very poisonous. And our skin can absorb it.
So maybe monday or something. But somehow I doubt so. We'll be too busy settling down in school.
How are all of you? I hope all of you are fine.
Studying for exams huh? ><
Stupid exams! All of you smart people are sure to get good results!
Don’t have to worry. Just study hard and you won't have to worry.
Anyway, I'm still getting used to stuff here.
How to convert prices and what are some of the delicious food here.
Lots more to discover. The people here are interesting.
Kind and helpful. No doubt there are some who can't be bothered with anything around them.
But generally I find people friendlier. Anywhere you go, people smile.
Not like Malaysia. They'll be like, 'Why the hell are YOU smiling at me?!' or 'Do I know YOU?!'.
Anyway. Don’t want to keep all of you reading this for so long!
Haha. Go and study kay? I know you all hate to study. But just for another 3 days. Then it's the start of your exam.
Before you know it, it'll be over. Then you go and party okay? 
I hope all of you don’t mind, But can all of you give me your address?
Mine is,
***** ****** *****,
**. **,
******** *****,
******* *******.
My house number is,
Call me and send letters okay?
I'll look forward to it.
And I promise to reply.
I'll find time for all of you!
Try not to give anyone else my contact details.
Can someone help me tell huixian.
I'd really appreciate it!
Take care.
I love you all!
I miss you all too!
Study hard! 
p/s I'll let you know how my first day of school was. AND! please reply only IF you all have the time.
Haha, that's why i sensored the details. So i replied my daughter.
How's my daughter there? So far away.
Is school cool over there?
With your freaking driver. GRRRRRRRRRR.
Made new friends? FORGOT ME EDI MO.
And jsyk, i wont be sending letters cos.
I will, i'll try ask my mum. hehe.
Wah, jakarta address jakarta number, sounds expensive xD
jkjk, i shall call you some day.
Definitely. maybe this holiday. you've got two months there
And you'llbe back.
Must go out during december okay!
I wish i could fly to jakarta. miss you really badly.
3 more days. and i havnt started studying. HEEE.
Not like you go airport, i sit home and open book :(
Sit MAS summore. i sit air asia :(
I wish i could go with you to jakarta.
i know im not asyraff but ILY :)
I dont mean much in your life but I STILL LY :)
Long enough? you letter not long enough lah!
Yerr, go brag about your freaking ppooooool ):
White bugs? Cool, send to me. DHL, yeahhh :)
Cut all the trees lah, dont plant trees bside pool,
kinda disgusting. I never like trees. LOL.
Then like, all branches. EEEEEEEEEEEEw.
Must make this longer.
I wanna go eat but i stayed home to reply this.
Shall scarifice my fatnesss.
See, am i kind? :D
i'll get webccam as soon as possible cos i really wanna see you
you get webcam also okay!
you can forget me if you want
but ill nvr forget you.
So go on, one day 'eh, who's this freaky beatrice on my contacts list?!'
I'll forgive you love, i will :)
Anyway, remind asyraff
he owes me chocolates okay!
REMIND HIM. must must!
And tell asyraff, i still owe him your name on his hand. i'll make it as beautiful as you.
And she replied!
Hello My Sayang Beatrice Choo Pei San!
Hiee! I LoveYou TOO!!
I sangat miss you LAH! it's like 3 days.
Seems like 3 years. Sigh!! ;(
Your daughter is fine here. Are you looking after my children with care?
Are you feeding them? Making sure they finish their homework?
Are you keeping close watch on them?
Don’t get carried away with boyfriend boyfriend okay?
You're too old to have a boyfriend!
What are YOU thinking OLD woman?!
HAHA. Kidding! ><>
The ruler? ahaha. not yet la my dear.
No time to take out and use.
Wanna use also use for what?
Measure the floor? LOLS?
Haha. I'd measure the distance between you and I IF I had the time.
Sadly, as a parent, I've got many responsibilities.
Haha. How is my husband?
Whoever he is. Is he taking GOOD care of my children?
Or rather.. OUR children?
If he isn't, Spank HIM beatrice. SPANK him!
You're TOO smart okay!
You don’t have to open a single book to study for exams LAH!
You were born with PURE smartness.
You can teach the authors of those books OKAY?!
Don’t buy a single book to study.
You've got it all LOCKED up in your brain.
Studying from books are gonna make you DUMBER!
I wont forget you la!
And I know you wont too!
Keep my updated tau?
The latest news. Gossip. Etcetc.
Especially about Ms. Phang Roze Nn
and her *******toooot*******,
Keep me posted.
Email me everyday IF you can
I'll try to also
Take care!
ILYY! <3
And i replied. LOLS, good luck reading. late wish :)
Lol, keep you updated?About Roze Nn and *******toooot*******.Jeshua will do it.Since he's such a housewife with nothing much to do but gossip. Your husband's goodhe's doing the moppingsweepingand dishes.But i had to get a maidcos my MANSION is TOO BIG for him to clean.I had to get 12 maids! but no drivers. SADLY *ahem*My mansion has no poolbut it has a badminton court and golf course, yeah babyyy. I can update you bout the fcking bitch too! :DAnd yin lingand poh wei.I shall tell you when ling's getting marriedcos her bf's *sensored due to posibility murder* so he'll propose soon. haha.And i'm sorry to tell you that my MANSION is TOO BIGto find your children/ my grandchildrenthat i can't feed themi know they're on the 25th floor buti took my lift up there but the hallway's so big!At least 56 rooms!I CANT OPEN EVERYDOOR KAN!I'll try to hire local bombas okay! Your post, LONGER. lols. lols. lols.I just enjoy your mails. TOO OLD?! TELL YOUR MOTHER THE SAME THING. Eh, measuring the floor with ruler, LEBIH IKHLAS KAYS.as a parent, you have responsibilities?!YOU LEFT YOUR FREAKING CHILDREN HERE FOR ME TO BREAST FEED.My nips damn pain d tau.!*#%&$#*(%& You took years to reply my mail.i took 15 minutes.and its so long. tsk tsk. useless daughter.You also, dont cheat on my son in law okay!rarely able to find such a good son in law.Do all the chores. Ahemahem.Too SMART?!Dumb you mean?!Eh, i havnt started studying. All distracted :(And, i have no interest in teaching the authorscos i'm all about you.Now im starting to sound like your bf. GOODshows that i care.HAVE TO STUDY LAH,who you think i am?***sensored due to posibility cause of sensitivity***?BILL GATES?RACHEL SHAN OLIVIA? Of course i'll keep you posted love :).*sensored due to private matters* info goes to you. KEEP ME POSTED.ON LENGZHAI'SYOUR AMERICAN NEIGHBOURTAKE FREAKING PICTURE AND MAIL THEM TO ME FOR GOODNESS SAKE. lack of cute guys here in msia.lack of MONEY in my pocket. unlike you go shop your ass off.$%(&#*!%&#* GOT FREAKING SWIMMING POOL SUMMORE! #(@)$&*#!&%*#^$ Eh, my mail damn sial long.NOW MAKE YOURS DAMN SIAL SIAL LONG.and my next mail will be damn sial sial sail long. DECEMBER BABE!MERRY CHRISTMAS. And on chinese new year or puasa month/raya, if asyraff proposes.SELAMAT HARI ***sensored due to sensored due to... matters***. TAKE CARE over there!im still hoping for winter!
Curious about sensored parts?
Come ask me and i'll consider.
Certain parts are confidential and not to be told unless you already know
and i'll know if you already know cos i know :)
Certain parts can be exposed unless you're a freak like
******sensored due to ugliness and fatness :)
(she's my dog, don't bother saving her asyraff. She's been chained)