On the way;
Yes, i brought my mouse :x
My brother ah -_- SLEEP AND SLEEP. until i've to take his luggage down for him. Royal blood.
Went home sleep sleep sleep then went for dinner, pass so fast.
Second day;
visited grandmother.
Then went to jusco.
Aunts all trying clothes except me. Cos i've already bought all in KL.
So bored, sit there like log. Decided to camwhore.
Aunts all trying clothes except me. Cos i've already bought all in KL.
So bored, sit there like log. Decided to camwhore.
Cho Yee (second day of cny) --first day phone died :D ;
He asked me got boyfriend anot i told him married d. LOL
Cousin SISTER came back. 2 nephews 1 niece. UBER CUTE lah (niece), But my nephew ah, playing means ta gau! hahah! Like Kyrie lah.
Winnie! <3>

Came home, mahjong with my cousins.
LOOK AT MY NIECE! :D and my uncle.

Then she took my phone and tam song again.

My niece uber cute man! She can speak cantonese better than MARIANNE AND MICHELLE AND POH WEI AND ANY OF US.
The whole night she keep kacauing me. That's why i hate making friends with her. So annoying.
Then i was so sleepy already, sudah pukul 2! i was still smsing deborah.
Conversation (translated, all cantonese)
Me Niece.
I want to sleep already lah
Che che, dont lah
I very tired already, whole day play mahjong
Tmr only sleep lah!
Another one, hahah.
*Shows the indeks finger*
*Shows two fingers*
*Shows three fingers*
*Shows for fingers*
*Shows five fingers*
*errr, forgot face*
Showed back indeks finger.
*forgot. Couldnt rmb what was one*
Finger loh
She's so smart that she thought of that
Once we got out of the car shell be like 'MOMMY, LOCK CAR'
lol. so smart.
Did i mention she's only THREE years old?!
Then she ask me let her take. LOL
She doesnt know how to take pictures
let her tam song only, aha.
She doesnt know how to take pictures
let her tam song only, aha.
I took this lah okay. SEE, HER BROTHER SO FAT.
i was flipping through my nephews ps games and
Came home, mahjong with my cousins.
LOOK AT MY NIECE! :D and my uncle.
Then she took my phone and tam song again.
My niece uber cute man! She can speak cantonese better than MARIANNE AND MICHELLE AND POH WEI AND ANY OF US.
The whole night she keep kacauing me. That's why i hate making friends with her. So annoying.
Then i was so sleepy already, sudah pukul 2! i was still smsing deborah.
Conversation (translated, all cantonese)
Me Niece.
I want to sleep already lah
Che che, dont lah
I very tired already, whole day play mahjong
Tmr only sleep lah!
Another one, hahah.
*Shows the indeks finger*
*Shows two fingers*
*Shows three fingers*
*Shows for fingers*
*Shows five fingers*
*errr, forgot face*
Showed back indeks finger.
*forgot. Couldnt rmb what was one*
Finger loh
She's so smart that she thought of that
Once we got out of the car shell be like 'MOMMY, LOCK CAR'
lol. so smart.
Did i mention she's only THREE years old?!